March 20, 2005 Readme for ERBE_S8 Data Note to user: Questions concerning these data or read software should contact the following: EOSDIS Langley DAAC Science, Users and Data Services Office NASA Langley Research Center Mail Stop 157D 2 South Wright Street Hampton, Virginia 23681-2199 U.S.A. Email: Phone: (757)864-8656 FAX: (757)864-8807 URL: The sample read software has been provided by the ERBE Data Management Team in 1994. To maintain all of the information for this sample read software package, all files have bin "zipped" together using the Info-Zip software. To read the files, first unzip them with Info-Zip software. Information about downloading and using this freeware is available at the following URL: Once you have "unzipped" the sample read software file package, you will find the following files: makefile.s8 : makefile to create sids8.exe (to use type: make ) patrcfm : File containing data labels readerbe_s8 : C-shell script to execute sids8.exe sids8.f : S-8 read program Fortran source file ------------------- Original Document (README.S8read) ------------------------ READING THE ERBE S8 DATA PRODUCT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains instructions on how to read the ERBE S8 product as prepared on a UNIX platform. It also contains a description of files needed to read the S8 product and a sample session. Disclaimers: Please be aware that this software, which can be considered to be "work in progress", is only intended as a "beginning" program and has no capabilities other than to read the data files. Also, this software may need to be modified to run on certain computer systems since it has not been tested on all of the more popular workstations available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The files needed to create and run the read software are: sids8.f - S-8 read program Fortran source file makefile.s8 - makefile to create sids8.exe (to use type: make ) readerbe_s8 - C-shell script to execute sids8.exe patrcfm - File containing data labels *************************************************************************** Each S8 granule on the tape has been recorded as one long file and contains four parts as follows: 1. ERBE header file 2. Test PAT record 3. Scale factors and offsets 4. data file In order to read the four files off the tape and create a single file that the S8 read software can work with, use the following dd command: dd if="tape device name" of="output file name" bs=10240 This command may vary from workstation to workstation and you may need to review the specific parameters for your particular machine or get assistance from your systems administrator. Once you have this file created, you can go ahead and use the S8 read software provided. Note that this software should be viewed as a good starting point for creating your own customized software that will meet your specific processing needs. In order to compile the read software, simply enter the command: > make The makefile will compile the software and create the executable sids8.exe. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to actually run the software, enter the command: > readerbe_s8 The following is a printout of a request to read records, 1 through 5, of from an S-8 for April 4,1985 NOAA-9 named s8_850404_1 ( the user's responses are underlined ) : Enter file name for S-8 => s8_850404_1 ----------- Choose from the following valid entries: (NOAA9=1) (ERBS=2) (NOAA10=3) Enter spacecraft code =>1 - Enter (last 2 digits of) year of data =>85 -- Enter month of data (integer)=>4 - Enter day of month =>4 - Enter dump range: Initial =>1 - Final =>5 - ************************************************************ S-8 Dump Request: S-8 file name is : s8_850404_1 Date of data: 850404 Dump range: Initial : 1 Final : 5 ************************************************************ Do you wish to continue with execution of this job?(enter y/n)=>y - ( The S-8 dump will be contained in file S-8dump.s8_850404_1 ) ---------------------------------------------------------------