Langley DAAC Version Number: LD_008_004_005_00_00_0_19990527 ERBE Total Solar Irradiance - ERBS Readme 1.0 Introduction This document contains information about the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERRE) Total Solar Irradiance data collected from the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) data set. This data set, ERBE_TSI_ERBS_NAT, is available through the Langley Atmospheric Sciences Data Center. Sample read software is available for the ERBE_TSI_ERBS_NAT data set. This data set is in ASCII format. This "readme" file includes the following five other sections: Section 2.0 - describes the sample C program (source file). Section 3.0 - discusses how to create the executable from the C program. Section 4.0 - demonstrates how to invoke the run-time executable. Section 5.0 - provides general information on the data set. Section 6.0 - provides more detailed implementation notes. If users have questions while using the ERBE Total Solar Irradiance sample read software, please contact the Langley DAAC Science, Users and Data Services (UDS) office at: Atmospheric Sciences Data Center Science, Users and Data Services Office NASA Langley Research Center Mail Code 157D 2 South Wright Street Hampton, Virginia 23681-2199 U.S.A. E-mail: Phone: (757)864-8656 FAX: (757)864-8807 2.0 Read Software Files The sample read program for ERBE Total Solar Irradiance data set is written in the C language. These C program has been tested on Sun (Solaris 2.5) Dec Alpha V4.0A, SGI Irix 6.2, and HP UNIX-based workstations. All library functions in the C source codes are tested for ANSI C conformance. The file and its purpose is listed as follows: erbe_tsi_erbs_read.c - reads the ERBE Total Solar Irradiance data set in ASCII format. This software is written in C. 3.0 Creating The C Executable File The following section describes how to create the executable for the ASCII data format. The user is able to build the executable from the command line using the C compiler `cc' (or `acc' for Sparc ANSI C compiler). The symbol `%' in this section stands for UNIX command line prompt. To use the command line to compile the ERBE_TSI_ERBS_READ read software, type: % cc -o erbe_tsi_erbs_read erbe_tsi_erbs_read.c 4.0 Invoking Read Software This section illustrates the invocation of the executable file. Section 4.1 describes how to run the read program for the ERBE_TSI_ERBS_NAT data set. 4.1 Running the Read Program for the ERBE_TSI_ERBS_NAT Data Set The read program for the ERBE_TSI_ERBS_NAT data set is an interactive program. It prompts the user for all input. All output is printed to the user's standard output device. In most cases, this the standard output is printing all output to the screen.The following line will begin program execution: % erbe_tsi_erbs_read A sample of the interactive program execution is provide in Section 6.0. 5.0 Data Sets Information The following subsection provides information the ERBE Total Solar Irradiance data set on-line at the NASA Langley ASDC. The data set's information was obtained from the data files, documents, or directly from the data producer/provider. The high-level data set descriptions, the data files, the variables in the data files, and the contacts for data production are given under each data set. These questions and/or responses are collected under the NOTES ON DATA section. 5.1 ERBE_TSI_ERBS_NAT Data Set This data set is written in ASCII format. The data files are organized by six month increments. LONG NAME FOR THIS DATA SET: Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) Total Solar Irradiance - Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) in Native (NAT) Format Data (ERBE_TSI_ERBS_NAT) FILE NAMING CONVENTION: ERBE_TSI_ERBS_NAT data set granules are prefixed with "tsi_erbs_" to indicate they belong to this data set. This is followed by a four digit number (yymm) that represents the beginning year and month the data were collected. An underscore character follows the beginning date. The last four digits are the ending date for each granule in "yymm" format where "yy" represents the ending year and "mm" represents the ending month. Data granules consist of six consecutive months of data. One granule consists of all the years of data. This granule is called tsi_erbs_startdate_enddate where startdate will always equal 8410 (October 1984) and the enddate currently equals 0303 (March 2003). VARIABLES: This data set contains 4 parameters per data granule. The table below identifies these parameters as well as the format and their expected minimum and maximum values. Parameters For This Data Set (ERBE_TSI_ERBS_NAT) Parameter Units Minimum Value Maximum Value Date YR/MO/DY 84/10/25 97/10/08 (this is ongoing) Time HR:MN:SC 00:00:00 12:59:59 IRR W/M^2 1363.0 1368.0 STD W/M^2 0.0 2.0 **NOTE: W/M^2 represents Watts per meter squared. Please refer to the Sample Data Section below for the layout of this data set. SAMPLE DATA FROM DATA SET: There is one line of information in every data granule. The actual data starts on line number two The first represents header information which are the labels for each column of data. The granules are laid out the same way, YR/MO/DY, HR:MN:SC, IRR, and STD. This sample data record was extracted from the data file, tsi_erbs_8410_8412. YR/MO/DY HR:MN:SC IRR STD 84/10/25 15:24:45 1364.8 0.1 NOTES ON DATA: There are some data gaps in some of the data. This was caused by instrument battery problem. Those days are listed in the document information provided by the data provider. The data are still being generated and will be delivered to the DAAC in six month granules. Browse images are available for each granule. There are instances when standard deviation is represented as 0.0. This indicates that only one sample was collected for that time period. INSTRUMENTATION: Please refer to the "readme" file that accompanies this data set. This file has been provided by the data producer. CONTACT FOR DATA PRODUCT INFORMATION: Technical Contact: Mr. Robert Wilson Science Applications International., Corp. 1 Enterprise Parkway, Suite 250 Hampton, VA 23666 U.S.A. Phone: (757) 827-4881 FAX: (757) 825-9129 E-Mail: - or - Ms. Susan Thomas Science Applications International., Corp. 1 Enterprise Parkway, Suite 250 Hampton, VA 23666 U.S.A. Phone: (757) 827-4879 FAX: (757) 825-9129 E-Mail: 6.0 Implementation Notes Sample software is provided for this ASCII formatted data set. ERBE_TSI_ERBS_NAT Read Program (erbe_tsi_erbs_read.c) %: erbe_tsi_erbs_read ***************************************************** * * * ERBE Total Solar Irradiance * * Read Program Version 4.0 * * * * * * May 24, 1999 * ***************************************************** Please enter the input data file name. Include the entire path. --> tsi_erbs_8410_8412 The filename for this input data file is tsi_erbs_8410_8412. There are four parameters of information that were collected at each event. These parameters are: No. Parameter Units --- --------- ----- 1. Date YY/MO/DD 2. Time HR:MM:SC 3. Irradiance Watts per meter squared 4. Standard Dev. Watts per meter squared Enter `a' or `A' to output all parameters in the above format. Enter `x' or `X' to eXit this program. Enter the total number of parameters to output (1-4). --> 4 Enter parameter number 1 --> 2 Enter parameter number 2 --> 3 Enter parameter number 3 --> 4 Enter parameter number 4 --> 1 HR:MM:SC IRR STD YY/MO/DD 15:24:45 1364.80 0.10 84/10/25 10:44:49 1365.40 0.20 84/10/26 11:21:05 1365.20 0.00 84/10/29 08:44:16 1366.00 0.00 84/11/01 06:21:26 1365.40 0.10 84/11/05 19:06:09 1365.30 0.50 84/11/12 11:00:49 1365.30 0.20 84/11/20 08:15:29 1364.80 0.40 84/11/26 09:37:37 1365.30 0.40 84/12/03 19:27:13 1365.40 0.40 84/12/10 11:21:05 1365.50 0.20 84/12/17 08:34:41 1364.90 0.00 84/12/28 The total number of records in this file is 12. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ End of file has been reached. ~ ~ Program has completed successfully! ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~