/* #include */ /* #include */ #include #include #ifndef FILE #include #include #ifdef HPUX #include #else #include #endif #include #include #endif /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0.h version 4/10/91 @(#)cms0.h $Id$ Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef _fp0_h #define _fp0_h /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* parametrisation syntaxique */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define BEGIN { /* #define IDENT(m) static char SccsId1[]="@(#)fp/c version 4/10/91 GL CMS>@(#) (m)" */ #define END } #define SWITCH(x) switch(x) { #define END_SWITCH } #define FOR(x) for(x) { #define END_FOR } #define IF(x) if(x) { #define ELSE } else { #define END_IF } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* parametrisation des donnees internes */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define CHAR0 '\0' #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE !TRUE #define BASE_DJ 2433283 /* 1er janvier 1950 */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* parametrisation implicite des champs DE */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define FP_AUC "METEO FRANCE" #define FP_SER "SCEM/CMS" #define FP_TIT "SANS TITRE" #define FP_AUM "METEO FRANCE" #define FP_NVE "FP C GL" #define FP_CSC "NSWE" /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* parametrisation du standard FIS */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define FP_NOE 512 /* nombre d'octets zone DE */ #define FP_NOD 512 /* nombre d'octets zone DD */ #define FP_NDA 21 /* nombre de DA */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* definition compte-rendus */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define FP_FOK 1 /* function ok */ #define FP_OLD -1 /* open "old" */ #define FP_NEW -2 /* open "new" */ #define FP_ORG -3 /* organisation incorrecte */ #define FP_TYP -4 /* type incorrect */ #define FP_ALL -5 /* allocation memoire impossible */ #define FP_RDE -6 #define FP_RDD -7 #define FP_RDI -8 #define FP_WDE -9 #define FP_WDD -10 #define FP_WDI -11 #define FP_MOD -12 #define FP_DIM -13 #define FP_CDE -14 #define FP_CDD -15 #define FP_DDE -16 #define FP_DDD -17 #define FP_SDE -18 #define FP_SDD -19 #define FP_SDI -20 #define FP_WRO -21 #define FP_INT -22 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* macro-definitions de fonctions */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define MIN(x,y) (xy ? x : y) #define NINT(x) (int)((x) + (x) - (int)(x)) #define ISE(x) ((int)((x) + (int)((x) != (float)((int)(x))))) #define RDE(f,d) if((crd=fp0_rde(f,d))!=FP_FOK) return(crd) #define WDE(f,d) if((crd=fp0_wde(f,d))!=FP_FOK) return(crd) #define RDD(f,d) if((crd=fp0_rdd(f,d))!=FP_FOK) return(crd) #define WDD(f,d) if((crd=fp0_wdd(f,d))!=FP_FOK) return(crd) #define RDI(f,a,u,v,w,n,b) if((crd=fp0_rdi(f,a,u,v,w,n,b))!=FP_FOK) return(crd) #define WDI(f,a,u,v,w,n,b) if((crd=fp0_wdi(f,a,u,v,w,n,b))!=FP_FOK) return(crd) #define CDD(b,d) if((crd=fp0_cdd(b,d))!=FP_FOK) return(crd) #define CDE(b,d) if((crd=fp0_cde(b,d))!=FP_FOK) return(crd) #define DDD(b,d) if((crd=fp0_ddd(b,d))!=FP_FOK) return(crd) #define DDE(b,d) if((crd=fp0_dde(b,d))!=FP_FOK) return(crd) #define FOPEN(p,f,m,c) if((p=fopen(f,m)) == NULL) return(c) #define FREAD(b,s,n,p,c) if(fread(b,s,n,p)!=n) return(c) #define FWRITE(b,s,n,p,c) if(fwrite(b,s,n,p)!=n) return(c) #define MALLOC(p,t,n) if((p=(t)malloc((unsigned)(n)))==NULL) return(FP_ALL) #define NRE(n) ((n)>0 ? ISE(FP_NOE/(float)(n)) : 0) #define NRD(n) ((n)>0 ? ISE(FP_NOD/(float)(n)) : 0) #define OFR(r,n,p) (long)((r-1) * ((n) + (p))) #define CCS(s0,c0,ns,nc,a,b) a=(nc==1 ? 0. :((ns-1)/(float)(nc-1)));\ b=(float) s0 - a * (float) c0 #define CSC(s0,c0,ns,nc,a,b) a=(ns==1 ? 0. :((nc-1)/(float)(ns-1)));\ b=(float) c0 - a * (float) s0 #define FSEEK(p,l,o,c) if(fseek(p,l,o) !=0) return(c) #define SDE(f) FSEEK(f->pf,(long)0,0,FP_SDE) #define SDD(f) FSEEK(f->pf,OFR(NRE(f->de.nor) +1,f->de.nor,f->de.pad),0,FP_SDD) #define CTRL(x,n,a,b) if((x b )|| (n<1)) return(FP_DIM) #define SPRINTF(b,f,p,c) if(sprintf(b,f,p,c) !=b) return(c) #define SSCANF(b,f,p,c) if(sscanf(b,f,p) ==0) return(c) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* enum Ord */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef enum {PLC,PCL,LPC,LCP,CPL,CLP,UNO} Ord; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* enum Blo */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef enum {U_VW,UV_W,UVW_,UNBL} Blo; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* struct Atf */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { int nop ; /* nombre d'octets par pixels */ Ord ord ; /* classe d'ordonnancement (uvw) */ Blo blo ; /* classe de blocage */ int nor ; /* nombre d'octets par records = de.nor) */ int pad ; /* nombre d'octets de padding pour chaque record */ int nre ; /* nombre de records de la zone DE */ int nrd ; /* nombre de records de la zone DD */ int mxu ; /* dimension u */ int mxv ; /* dimension v */ int mxw ; /* dimension w */ } Atf; #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* prototypes */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void fp0_atf(); Blo fp0_blo(); int fp0_cdd(); int fp0_cde(); void fp0_cpy(); int fp0_cus(); int fp0_ddd(); int fp0_dde(); int fp0_gdj(); void fp0_ide(); char *fp0_ncs(); int fp0_nop(); int fp0_nor(); int fp0_nri(); long fp0_ofi(); Ord fp0_ord(); void fp0_oso(); int fp0_rdd(); int fp0_rde(); int fp0_rdi(); int fp0_wdd(); int fp0_wde(); int fp0_wdi(); /*-END-cms0.h-------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp.h version 4/10/91 @(#)cms.h $Id$ Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef _fp_h #define _fp_h /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* struct De */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { char fil[41]; /* nom du fis */ char org[ 5]; /* organisation*/ char typ[ 5]; /* type */ int mxp ; /* nombre maximal de pixels */ int mxl ; /* nombre maximal de lignes */ int mxc ; /* nombre maximal de canaux */ char auc[21]; /* auteur et programmme */ int djc ; /* date julienne creation */ char ser[21]; /* service de creation */ char tit[81]; /* titre */ char aum[21]; /* auteur et programme */ int djm ; /* date julienne */ int mis ; /* code numerique de la mission */ int nim ; /* numero d'ordre dans la mission */ int ins ; /* code numerique */ int oss ; /* numero d'orbite/de slot/de station */ double ijr ; /* instant julien */ float llp ; /* lna/lsp/parametre physique de la station */ char csc[ 5]; /* sens de balayage de l'instrument */ float anw ; /* latitude du coin NW */ float onw ; /* longitude du coin NW */ float ane ; /* latitude du coin NE */ float one ; /* longitude du coin NE */ float ase ; /* latitude du coin SE */ float ose ; /* longitude du coin SE */ float asw ; /* latitude du coin SW */ float osw ; /* longitude du coin SW */ int npp ; /* numero du premier point */ int npl ; /* numero de la premiere ligne */ int ndp ; /* numero du dernier point */ int ndl ; /* numero de la derniere ligne */ double ijd ; /* instant julien de debut */ double ijf ; /* instant julien de fin */ int nlm ; /* nombre de ligne(s) manquante(s) */ int nor ; /* nombre d'octets (theorique) par record */ int nri ; /* nombre de records donnees image */ char nve[13]; /* numero de version fp utilisee */ int nmi ; /* nombre de missions des donnees images */ int nbr ; /* nombre total de records du fis */ int pad ; /* nombre d'octets de padding */ }De; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* struct Dd */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { char cod[13]; /* code de qualification */ int npr ; /* numero du premier record */ int ndr ; /* numero du dernier record */ }Dd; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* enum Mod */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef enum {RO,RW,UNM} Mod; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* struct Fis */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { FILE *pf ; /* pointeur de fichier */ De de ; /* zone DE */ Dd dd[21] ; /* zone DD */ Mod mod ; /* mode lecture ou ecriture */ }Fis; #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* prototypes */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp_clo(); /* close d'un fis */ int fp_cre(); /* creation d'un fis */ int fp_opr(); /* open read d'un fis */ int fp_opw(); /* open write d'un fis */ int fp_rdi1(); /* read DI niveau 1 */ int fp_rdi2(); /* read DI niveau 2 */ int fp_rdi3(); /* read DI niveau 3 */ int fp_wdi1(); /* write DI niveau 1 */ int fp_wdi2(); /* write DI niveau 2 */ int fp_wdi3(); /* write DI niveau 3 */ /*-END--------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* -->prototypes added for reader/inspection support: */ void fis_dump_Channel(); void fis_dump_Dd(); void fis_dump_De(); void fis_dump_Fis(); void fis_dump_Hdr(); void fis_dump_PixLatLon(); void fis_dump_Rpt(); void fis_dump_Ttl(); void fis_dump_Buf4(); void fis_dump_Atf(); /* report file attributes */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /* This is an example of a program dedicated */ /* to read the 4 channel SST files */ /* The main tasks are: */ /* - opening the FIS file */ /* - allocating memory for the buffer in which the data are to be stored */ /* - reading the data from the file to the buffer */ /* - processings .... */ /* */ /* - closing the FIS file. */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ struct stat stbuf; /* buffer for file status returned */ #define MAX_CH_NAME_LEN 10 /* name length */ #define MAX_CH 4 /* set for five channels, 0 thru 4 */ /* ********************************************************************** * CONDITIONAL COMPILATION DEFINITIONS * NOTE: switches must be defined in Makefile that accompanies this * software package. * -->refer to subroutine fis_PixLatLon.c for additional definitions * **********************************************************************/ #ifdef LWFLUX static char *title_string ={"FIRE_AX_CMS_LWFLUX"}; static char chan_name_set[MAX_CH][MAX_CH_NAME_LEN] = { ".C1", ".C2", ".C3", ".C4" }; #define C_NAM_SET_ #endif #ifdef SOLAR_DAY static char *title_string ={"FIRE_AX_CMS_SOLDAY"}; static char chan_name_set[MAX_CH][MAX_CH_NAME_LEN] = { ".C1", ".C2", ".C3", ".C4" }; #define C_NAM_SET_ #endif #ifdef SOLAR_HR static char *title_string ={"FIRE_AX_CMS_SOLHR"}; static char chan_name_set[MAX_CH][MAX_CH_NAME_LEN] = { ".C1", ".C2", ".C3", ".C4" }; #define C_NAM_SET_ #endif #ifdef SOLAR_MN static char *title_string ={"FIRE_AX_CMS_SOLMN"}; static char chan_name_set[MAX_CH][MAX_CH_NAME_LEN] = { ".C1", ".C2", ".C3", ".C4" }; #define C_NAM_SET_ #endif #ifdef SOLAR_WK static char *title_string ={"FIRE_AX_CMS_SOLWK"}; static char chan_name_set[MAX_CH][MAX_CH_NAME_LEN] = { ".C1", ".C2", ".C3", ".C4" }; #define C_NAM_SET_ #endif #ifdef SST_DAY static char *title_string ="FIRE_AX_CMS_SST_DAY"; static char chan_name_set[MAX_CH][MAX_CH_NAME_LEN] = { ".C4", ".C5", ".TSM", ".FRT" }; #define C_NAM_SET_ #endif #ifdef SST_WEEK static char *title_string ="FIRE_AX_CMS_SST_WEEK"; static char chan_name_set[MAX_CH][MAX_CH_NAME_LEN] = { ".C4", ".C5", ".TSM", ".FRT" }; #define C_NAM_SET_ #endif #ifdef SST_FNTS static char *title_string ="FIRE_AX_CMS_SST_FNTS"; static char chan_name_set[MAX_CH][MAX_CH_NAME_LEN] = { ".C4", ".C5", ".TSM", ".FRT" }; #define C_NAM_SET_ #endif #ifndef C_NAM_SET_ /* ! INVALID Makefile PROJECT declaration. */ #endif /* --> prototypes */ int ask_for_channel(); main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { Fis fis_in; char fil_tsm[256]; char fil_ter[256]; int nbp; /* number of pixels per channels */ int iret; /* error return */ static int BPX = NULL; /* number of bytes/pixel */ unsigned char *buf4can; /* buffer pointer */ char basename[80], *ptr; /* base file name */ char report_file[80]; FILE *RPT, *LOG; Atf atf; /* file attribute structure */ int i; int chan=0; int channel=-1; int done=FALSE; unsigned char *cptr[MAX_CH]; char ans, selection; int bytes; char file_name[40]; char wsay[5]; int fixcount=0; int mxchan=0; int lpcnt; #ifndef C_NAM_SET_ print("\n\n>>FATAL ERROR ! IMPROPER COMPILATION.\n"); print(">>This reader must be compiled with mission specific options to ensure data\n"); print(">>is processed correctly. Edit the makefile \"PROJECT\" declaration in Makefile.\n"); print(">>Check the README for further information.\n"); print(">>....program exiting....\n\n"); exit(0); #endif /*****************************************************************************/ /* If the format of data is I2, and the number of channels is 1, */ /* you have,for */ /* example, to define and use such a buffer: */ /* short *bufi2; */ /* and then */ /* bufi2=(short *)malloc((unsigned)(1 * nbp)); */ /*****************************************************************************/ if ( argc < 2 ) { printf("\n\n\n"); printf("\t*******************************************************************\n"); printf("\t* CMS General Read *\n"); printf("\t* (Centre de Meteorologie Spatiale) *\n"); printf("\t* *\n"); printf("\t* CMS READ PROGRAM: *\n"); printf("\t* designed to interpret CMS binary raster data files. *\n"); printf("\t* requires: *\n"); printf("\t* a) compilation for correct mission (PROJECT in Makefile) *\n"); printf("\t* and platform specific options. (ARFLAGS, STD_DEFINES..) *\n"); printf("\t* b) one or more command line arguments required *\n"); printf("\t* arg1..n = name of input data file(s) *\n"); printf("\t* *\n"); printf("\t*******************************************************************\n\n\n"); exit(1); } /* -->construct output file names */ #ifdef INSPECTION_ strcpy(report_file, "INSPECT"); #else strcpy(report_file, title_string); #endif ptr = strcat (report_file, ".LOG"); LOG = fopen( ptr, "w" ); strcpy(strrchr(ptr, '.'), ".RPT"); RPT = fopen( ptr, "r" ); if (RPT != NULL) { printf("***************************************************************************\n"); printf("* WARNING: This filename exist --> %s\n",ptr); printf("* Do you wish to overwrite it? 'y' yes 'any other char to exit' *\n"); printf("***************************************************************************\n"); scanf("%s",wsay); if(tolower(wsay[0]) == 'y') { printf("will rewrite the file --->%s\n", ptr); } else { exit(0); } } RPT = fopen( ptr, "w" ); argv++; while ( *argv != NULL ) { strcpy(fil_tsm, *argv); strcpy(basename, fil_tsm); if ( (ptr = strrchr(fil_tsm, '/')) != NULL ) { strcpy(basename, ptr + 1); } /* -->0 good return=file exists */ if ( (iret = stat( fil_tsm, &stbuf )) != 0 ) { argv++; continue; } iret = fp_opr(&fis_in, fil_tsm); /* read in file header */ if (iret != FP_FOK) { printf ( "error fp_opr on %s code=%d", fil_tsm, iret); fprintf(LOG, "error fp_opr on %s code=%d", fil_tsm, iret); exit( iret ); } /* set number of bytes per pixel */ /* printf("fis_in.de.typ %d\n",strstr(fis_in.de.typ)); */ /* dummy */ if ( strstr(fis_in.de.typ, "i2") || strstr(fis_in.de.typ, "I2") ) { #ifdef DBG_ printf("DBG: >> file is type I2 \n"); #endif BPX = 2; /* set bytes/pixel for file type I2 */ } if ( strstr(fis_in.de.typ, "i1") || strstr(fis_in.de.typ, "I1") ) { #ifdef DBG_ printf("DBG: >> file is type I1 \n"); #endif BPX = 1; /* set bytes/pixel for file type I1 */ } if ( BPX == NULL ) { printf ("\nERR:%s>> file type is undefined. exiting\n", fil_tsm); fprintf(LOG, "ERR:>>%s: file type is undefined. exiting\n", fil_tsm); exit(1); } /* calculate buffer size to retain raster data */ nbp = fis_in.de.mxp * fis_in.de.mxl ; /* #ifdef INSPECTION_ || DBG_ */ /* printf("\n\nDBG: >>processing file: %s\n", fil_tsm); */ /* printf("\nDBG: nbp = %d fis_in.de.mxp=%d fis_in.de.mxl=%d, fis_in.de.mxc=%d\n", */ /* nbp, fis_in.de.mxp, fis_in.de.mxl, fis_in.de.mxc); */ /* #endif */ /* allocate buffer to retain mxc number of channels data */ buf4can = (unsigned char *)malloc( (unsigned)( fis_in.de.mxc * BPX * nbp ) ); if (buf4can == NULL) { printf( "DBG: memory allocation error %d\n\n", buf4can); exit(FP_ALL); } cptr[0] = buf4can; cptr[1] = buf4can + nbp * BPX; cptr[2] = buf4can + 2 * nbp * BPX; cptr[3] = buf4can + 3 * nbp * BPX; /* read in "mxc" number of channel raster images from the data file */ /* -------------------------------------------------------- */ iret = fp_rdi1(fis_in, buf4can); /* for (lpcnt=0; lpcnt<=10; lpcnt++) printf("buffer value %d %d \n",lpcnt,cptr[0][lpcnt]); */ fixcount=nbp*BPX*fis_in.de.mxc; fixcount=fixcount-iret; fixcount=fixcount/2; iret=1; /* -------------------------------------------------------- */ /* #ifdef INSPECTION_ || DBG_ */ /* printf("\n\nDBG: >>header read error return:%d\n", iret); */ /* output abstract of file header contents for inspection only */ /* fis_dump_Rpt ( RPT, basename, &fis_in, (long )stbuf.st_size, iret ); */ /* #endif */ if (iret == FP_FOK) { /* ##-->extract mxc channels of image data */ ptr = strcat(basename, ". "); for ( i = 0 ; i < fis_in.de.mxc ; i++) { if ( i >= MAX_CH ) { printf( "error: program configuration limited to %d channels. Header defines %d channels.\n", MAX_CH, fis_in.de.mxc); fprintf(LOG, "error: program configuration limited to %d channels. Header defines %d channels.\n", MAX_CH, fis_in.de.mxc); break; } #ifdef INSPECTION_ strcpy(strrchr(ptr, '.'), &chan_name_set[i][0]); /* printf("\n\nDBG: >>extracting Channel raster image to: %s\n", ptr); */ /* fis_dump_Channel( cptr[i], fis_in.de.mxl, fis_in.de.mxp, BPX, ptr ); */ #endif } /* printf("\n\nDBG: >>raster data extraction complete.\n"); */ fprintf(LOG, "data read in OK: fp_rdi1 on %s code=%d\n", fil_tsm, iret); fp_clo(fis_in); } else { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* special fix for this file only */ if(strcmp(fil_tsm,"ax_cms_solar_mn_9206")!=0) printf( "error fp_rdi1 on %s code=%d\n", fil_tsm, iret); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ fprintf(LOG, "data read error: fp_rdi1 on %s bytes=%d expected=%d\n", fil_tsm, iret, (fis_in.de.mxp * fis_in.de.mxl * BPX) ); } #ifdef INSPECTION_ /* report file name and buffer sizes */ /* fis_dump_Buf4( LOG, basename, &fis_in, cptr ); */ /* fp0_atf (&fis_in, &atf); /* get file attributes */ */ /* fis_dump_Atf ( LOG, &atf ); /* report file attributes */ */ /* fis_dump_Fis ( LOG, &fis_in); /* report file header contents */ */ /* fis_dump_De ( LOG, &fis_in.de); /* report structure De contents */ */ /* fis_dump_Dd ( LOG, &fis_in.dd); /* report structure Dd contents */ */ #else /* -->Display the MENU selections and enter the options selected */ while (!done) { printf("\n\n\n"); printf("\t*******************************************************************\n"); printf("\t* CMS General Read *\n"); printf("\t* (Centre de Meteorologie Spatiale) *\n"); printf("\t* *\n"); printf("\t* Please make a selection from the menu. *\n"); printf("\t* *\n"); printf("\t* 1. DUMP HEADERS ONLY *\n"); printf("\t* 2. DUMP HEADER AND CHANNEL DATA *\n"); printf("\t* (there are %d channel(s) of raster image data on this file) *\n", fis_in.de.mxc); printf("\t* 3. DUMP CHANNEL DATA ONLY *\n"); printf("\t* *\n"); printf("\t* Enter 'x' to exit or terminate processing. *\n"); printf("\t*******************************************************************\n"); printf("\n\n\n"); scanf("%s", &selection ); switch (selection) { case 'X': case 'x': exit(0); break; case '2': case '3': case '1': done=TRUE; break; default: printf("* >>invalid selection\n"); continue; } } switch (selection) { case '1': fis_dump_Ttl(RPT, fil_tsm, title_string ); fis_dump_Hdr(RPT, fil_tsm, &fis_in ); break; case '2': case '3': fis_dump_Ttl(RPT, fil_tsm, title_string ); if( selection == '2' ) fis_dump_Hdr(RPT, fil_tsm, &fis_in ); channel = ask_for_channel ( fis_in.de.mxc ); if(channel+1 == fis_in.de.mxc) { mxchan=1; } fis_dump_PixLatLon(RPT, cptr[channel], &fis_in, BPX, fil_tsm, channel+1, fixcount, mxchan ); /* construct file name to receive raw image data */ strcpy(strrchr(ptr, '.'), &chan_name_set[channel][0]); printf("\n:>>writing channel %d image data to file: %s \n",channel+1, ptr); fis_dump_Channel( cptr[channel], fis_in.de.mxl, fis_in.de.mxp, BPX, ptr ); break; default: printf ( "\n\n>>Please select a valid option. \n"); break; } #endif /* end of inspection switch */ argv++; /* -->increment file list pointer */ } printf("\n\n>>report summary written to: %s\n",report_file ); fclose( RPT ); fclose( LOG ); } /* ################################################################## */ /* # --> ask operator to enter a reasonable channel number */ /* ################################################################## */ int ask_for_channel ( mxc ) int mxc; { char ans[10]; int i, channel=-1; if( mxc == 1 ) return 0; while ( channel==-1 ) { printf("\t*******************************************************************\n"); printf("\t* There are %2d channels found on this file. \n",mxc); printf("\t* Select a channel number to dump... (1-%2d) \n",mxc); printf("\t* \n"); printf("\t* Channel raster file name suffixes: \n"); printf("\t* "); for ( i = 0 ; i < mxc ; i++) { printf(" *%s,", &chan_name_set[i][0] ); } printf("\n\t* \n"); printf("\t* Enter 'x' to exit or terminate processing. \n"); printf("\t*******************************************************************\n"); scanf("%s",ans); if (tolower(ans[0]) == 'x') { exit(0); } if ((atoi(ans) > mxc) || (atoi(ans) < 1)) { printf("You have selected an invalid channel: %s\n",ans); printf("Please try again.\n"); }else{ printf("\n\t...please wait...processing\n"); return (atoi(ans)-1); } } } /* ************************************************************* * revision history: * * $Log: cms_read.c,v $ * Revision 1.7 96/09/13 11:46:16 11:46:16 pscart (Paul Carter) * rolled headers and complete library into the original * reader to simplify distribution. * * Revision 1.6 96/09/13 11:16:08 11:16:08 pscart (Paul Carter) * replaced fp0.h with cms0.h * * Revision 1.5 96/09/13 10:30:46 10:30:46 pscart (Paul Carter) * changed CMS_DAY/WEEK/FNTS to SST_ * * Revision 1.4 96/08/14 17:52:55 17:52:55 pscart (Paul Carter) * major edits; straightening out operator interaction * * Revision 1.3 96/08/02 15:07:37 15:07:37 pscart (Paul Carter) * redefined project dependent macro definitions. * * Revision 1.2 96/07/30 13:22:31 13:22:31 pscart (Paul Carter) * revised program to run either as an inspection or * reader program based on the defineINSPECTION_ * * Revision 1.1 96/07/30 11:36:48 11:36:48 pscart (Paul Carter) * Initial revision * * *************************************************************/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* First Isccp Regional Experiment application and service library source for the CMS general purpose reader software NASA Langley DAAC *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* version: $Id$ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* #ifndef FILE */ /* #include */ /* #include */ /* #ifdef HPUX */ /* #include */ /* #else */ /* #include */ /* #endif */ /* #include */ /* #include */ /* #endif */ /* #include "cms0.h" */ static char rcsID[]={"@(#)$RCSfile$ $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 96/09/13 11:46:16 $"}; void fis_dump_Atf( OUT, atf ) FILE *OUT; Atf *atf; { long ofi; fprintf(OUT,"\n: Structure Atf contents:\n"); fprintf(OUT,": \tatf->nop=%d nombre maximal de pixels\n",atf->nop); fprintf(OUT,": \tatf->ord (%d) Classe d'ordonnancement (uvw)\n",atf->ord); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------GL-*/ /* typedef enum {PLC,PCL,LPC,LCP,CPL,CLP,UNO} Ord; */ /* PLC: 0 :: "plc" "p/lc" "pl/c" "plc/" */ /* PCL: 1 :: "pcl" "p/cl" "pc/l" "pcl/" */ /* LPC: 2 :: "lpc" "l/pc" "lp/c" "lpc/" */ /* LCP: 3 :: "lcp" "l/cp" "lc/p" "lcp/" */ /* CPL: 4 :: "cpl" "c/pl" "cp/l" "cpl/" */ /* CLP: 5 :: "clp" "c/lp" "cl/p" "clp/" */ /* UNO: 6 :: organisation inconnue */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ fprintf(OUT,": \tatf->Blo (%d) Classe de blocage \n",atf->blo); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* organisation "originales" */ /* typedef enum {U_VW,UV_W,UVW_,UNBL} see fp0_blo.c */ /* U_VW: 0 :: "plc" "lpc" */ /* UV_W: 1 :: "pcl" "lcp" "cpl" "clp" */ /* UNO : 3 :: organisation inconnue */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ fprintf(OUT,": \tatf->nor=%d nombre d\'octets par records = de.nor)\n",atf->nor); fprintf(OUT,": \tatf->pad=%d nombre d\'octets de padding pour chaque record\n",atf->pad); fprintf(OUT,": \tatf->nre=%d nombre de records de la zone DE\n",atf->nre); fprintf(OUT,": \tatf->nrd=%d nombre de records de la zone DD\n",atf->nrd); fprintf(OUT,": \tatf->mxu=%d dimension u\n",atf->mxu); fprintf(OUT,": \tatf->mxv=%d dimension v\n",atf->mxv); fprintf(OUT,": \tatf->mxw=%d dimension w\n",atf->mxw); /* calc offset to record 2 (record 1 is the header) */ ofi=( OFR(2, atf->nor, atf->pad) ) + atf->nop * atf->mxu; fprintf(OUT,"\n: \tofi=%d byte offset to raster data (calc)\n",ofi); } /*------------------ inspection software utility --------------------------* *-->fis_dump_Buf4 - *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void fis_dump_Buf4( OUT, basename, fis, cptr ) FILE *OUT; char *basename; /* base file name */ Fis *fis; unsigned char *cptr[]; /* raster data buffer pointer */ { int i; fprintf(OUT,"\n: File: %s Header contents:\n",basename); for ( i=0 ; i < fis->de.mxc ; i++ ) { /* fprintf(OUT,": \tChannel %1d buffer address= %d \n", */ /* i, &cptr[i]); */ } } /*------------------ inspection software utility --------------------------* *--> fis_dump_Channel function to dump a binary raster image to the OUT file *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void fis_dump_Channel( cptr, lines, pixels, bytes, file_name ) unsigned char *cptr; int lines; int pixels; int bytes; char *file_name; { int mxl; /* local line counter */ int mxp; /* local pixel counter */ size_t b_o; /* bytes output by fwrite */ unsigned char *lcptr=cptr; /* local buffer pointer */ FILE *OUT; OUT=fopen( file_name, "w" ); /* printf( */ /* "\nDBG:fis_dump_Channel:fwrite bytes/pixel=%d pixels=%d lines=%d file=%s\n\n", */ /* bytes,pixels,lines,file_name); */ for ( mxl=0 ; mxl < lines ; mxl++ ) { /* -->lines */ for ( mxp=0 ; mxp < pixels ; mxp++ ) { /* -->pixels */ if( (b_o=fwrite(lcptr,(size_t)bytes, (size_t)bytes, OUT)) != bytes ) if( (b_o=fwrite(lcptr, 1, (size_t)bytes, OUT)) != bytes ) { /* printf( */ /* "\n\nDBG:fis_dump_Channel:fwrite error: n=%d bytes=%d pixel=%d line=%d file=%s\n\n", b_o,bytes,mxp,mxl,file_name); */ fclose(OUT); exit(1); } /* printf("DBG:fis_dump_Channel:fwrite: n=%d bytes ptr address=O%o\n", */ /* b_o,lcptr); */ lcptr+=bytes; /* increment buffer pointer */ } } fclose(OUT); return; } /*------------------ inspection software utility --------------------------* *--> fis_dump_Dd *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void fis_dump_Dd( OUT, dd ) FILE *OUT; Dd *dd; { fprintf(OUT,"\n: Structure Dd contents\n"); fprintf(OUT,": \tdd->cod=\"%s\" code de qualification\n",dd->cod); fprintf(OUT,": \tdd->npr=%d numero du premier record\n",dd->npr); fprintf(OUT,": \tdd->ndr=%d numero du dernier record\n",dd->ndr); fprintf(OUT,"\n"); } /*------------------ inspection software utility --------------------------* *--> fis_dump_De *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void fis_dump_De( OUT, de ) FILE *OUT; De *de; { fprintf(OUT,"\n: Structure De contents:\n"); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->fil=\"%s\" nom du fis\n",de->fil); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->org=\"%s\" organisation\n",de->org); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->typ=\"%s\" type\n",de->typ); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->mxp=%d nombre maximal de pixels\n",de->mxp); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->mxl=%d nombre maximal de lignes\n",de->mxl); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->mxc=%d nombre maximal de canaux\n",de->mxc); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->auc=\"%s\" auteur et programmme\n",de->auc); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->djc=%d date julienne creation\n",de->djc); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->ser=\"%s\" service de creation\n",de->ser); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->tit=\"%s\" titre\n",de->tit); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->aum=\"%s\" auteur et programme\n",de->aum); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->djm=%d date julienne\n",de->djm); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->mis=%d code numerique de la mission\n",de->mis); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->nim=%d numero d\'ordre dans la mission\n",de->nim); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->ins=%d code numerique\n",de->ins); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->oss=%d numero d\'orbite/de slot/de station\n",de->oss); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->ijr=%f instant julien\n",de->ijr); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->llp=%f lna/lsp/parametre physique de la station\n",de->llp); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->csc=\"%s\" sens de balayage de l\'instrument\n",de->csc); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->anw=%f latitude du coin NW\n",de->anw); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->onw=%f longitude du coin NW\n",de->onw); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->ane=%f latitude du coin NE\n",de->ane); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->one=%f longitude du coin NE\n",de->one); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->ase=%f latitude du coin SE\n",de->ase); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->ose=%f longitude du coin SE\n",de->ose); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->asw=%f latitude du coin SW\n",de->asw); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->osw=%f longitude du coin SW\n",de->osw); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->npp=%d numero du premier point\n",de->npp); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->npl=%d numero de la premiere ligne\n",de->npl); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->ndp=%d numero du denier point\n",de->ndp); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->ndl=%d numero de la deniere ligne\n",de->ndl); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->ijd=%f instant julien de debut\n",de->ijd); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->ijf=%f instant julien de fin\n",de->ijf); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->nlm=%d nombre de ligne(s) manquante(s)\n",de->nlm); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->nor=%d nombre d\'octets (theorique) par record\n",de->nor); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->nri=%d nombre de records donnees image\n",de->nri); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->nve=\"%s\" numero de version fp utilisee\n",de->nve); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->nmi=%d nombre de missions de donnees images\n",de->nmi); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->nbr=%d nombre total de records du fis\n",de->nbr); fprintf(OUT,": \tde->pad=%d nombre d\'octets de padding\n",de->pad); } /*------------------ inspection software utility --------------------------* *-->fis_dump_Fis *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void fis_dump_Fis( OUT, fis ) FILE *OUT; Fis *fis; { static char m[3][4]={"RO","RW","UNM"}; fprintf(OUT,"\n: Structure Fis contents\n"); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->FILE *pf pointeur de fichier\n"); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->De de zone DE\n"); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->Dd dd zone DD\n"); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->Mod mod=%s [%d]\n", m[fis->mod], fis->mod); fprintf(OUT,"\n"); } /*------------------ inspection software utility --------------------------* *--> fis_dump_Hdr *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void fis_dump_Hdr( OUT, basename, fis ) FILE *OUT; char *basename; /* base file name */ Fis *fis; { static char m[3][4]={"RO","RW","UNM"}; fprintf(OUT,"\n: %s Header contents:\t\t\n",basename); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->Mod mode=%s [%d]\n", m[fis->mod], fis->mod); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.fil=\"%s\" originating file name\n",fis->de.fil); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.org=\"%s\" raster data sequence\n",fis->de.org); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.typ=\"%s\" data type, pixel\n",fis->de.typ); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.mxp=%d maximum number of pixels\n",fis->de.mxp); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.mxl=%d maximum number of lines\n",fis->de.mxl); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.mxc=%d maximum number of channels \n",fis->de.mxc); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.auc=\"%s\" author of program\n",fis->de.auc); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.djc=%d creation date, julian\n",fis->de.djc); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.ser=\"%s\" originating facility\n",fis->de.ser); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.tit=\"%s\" title\n",fis->de.tit); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.aum=\"%s\" author of program\n",fis->de.aum); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.djm=%d current date, julian\n",fis->de.djm); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.mis=%d mission code number\n",fis->de.mis); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.nim=%d mission sequence number\n",fis->de.nim); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.ins=%d numerical code \n",fis->de.ins); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.oss=%d orbit number\n",fis->de.oss); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.ijr=%f instant date, julian\n",fis->de.ijr); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.llp=%f physical station number\n",fis->de.llp); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.csc=\"%s\" instrument orientation\n",fis->de.csc); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.anw=%f NW latitude\n",fis->de.anw); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.onw=%f NW longitude\n",fis->de.onw); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.ane=%f NE latitude\n",fis->de.ane); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.one=%f NE longitude\n",fis->de.one); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.ase=%f SE latitude\n",fis->de.ase); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.ose=%f SE longitude\n",fis->de.ose); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.asw=%f SW latitude\n",fis->de.asw); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.osw=%f SW longitude\n",fis->de.osw); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.npp=%d number of the first point\n",fis->de.npp); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.npl=%d number of the first line\n",fis->de.npl); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.ndp=%d number of the last point\n",fis->de.ndp); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.ndl=%d number of the last line\n",fis->de.ndl); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.ijd=%f start recording time, julian\n",fis->de.ijd); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.ijf=%f end recording time, julian\n",fis->de.ijf); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.nlm=%d number of missing line(s)\n",fis->de.nlm); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.nor=%d number of bytes per record (theoretical)\n",fis->de.nor); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.nri=%d number of bytes per raster line\n",fis->de.nri); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.nve=\"%s\" file processing utility version number\n",fis->de.nve); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.nmi=%d number of data images this mission\n",fis->de.nmi); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.nbr=%d total number of records this file\n",fis->de.nbr); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->de.pad=%d number of padding bytes\n",fis->de.pad); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->dd[0].cod=\"%s\" qualification code \n",fis->dd[0].cod); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->dd[0].npr=%d number of primary records\n",fis->dd[0].npr); fprintf(OUT,": \tfis->dd[0].ndr=%d number of fine points\n",fis->dd[0].ndr); fprintf(OUT,"\n"); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* *--> fis_dump_PixLatLon function to dump a raster data report to the OUT file *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void fis_dump_PixLatLon(OUT , cptr, fis, bytes, file_name, channel, fixcount, mxchan ) unsigned char *cptr; Fis *fis; int bytes; char *file_name; int channel; int fixcount; int mxchan; FILE *OUT; { #define LOCALBUF 40 char out_file[LOCALBUF]; int mxl; /* local line counter */ int mxp; /* local pixel counter */ char cal_name[LOCALBUF]; /* name of the calculation done */ char unit_name[LOCALBUF]; /* units the calculation is done in */ char data_descp[40]; /* data description */ short *tmp; /* local data buffer */ int i; int inew; int irows; int count; float lat, lon; unsigned char *lcptr ; /* local buffer pointer */ lcptr = cptr; /* local buffer pointer */ #ifdef SOLAR_DAY #define RESOLUTION 0.04 #define LAT_DEB 40.01 #define LON_DEB -29.99 strcpy(unit_name," flux [tenths of Joule/cm^2]"); strcpy(cal_name," DAILY SOLAR IRRADIANCE"); strcpy(data_descp,"DAILY SOLAR IRRADIANCE"); #endif #ifdef SOLAR_HR #define RESOLUTION 0.04 #define LAT_DEB 40.01 #define LON_DEB -29.99 strcpy(unit_name," flux [tenths of Joule/cm^2]"); strcpy(cal_name," HOURLY SOLAR IRRADIANCE"); strcpy(data_descp,"HOURLY SOLAR IRRADIANCE"); #endif #ifdef SOLAR_MN #define RESOLUTION 0.04 #define LAT_DEB 40.01 #define LON_DEB -29.99 strcpy(unit_name," flux [tenths of Joule/cm^2]"); strcpy(cal_name," MONTHLY SOLAR IRRADIANCE"); strcpy(data_descp,"MONTHLY SOLAR IRRADIANCE"); #endif #ifdef SOLAR_WK #define RESOLUTION 0.04 #define LAT_DEB 40.01 #define LON_DEB -29.99 strcpy(unit_name," flux [tenths of Joule/cm^2]"); strcpy(cal_name," WEEKLY SOLAR IRRADIANCE"); strcpy(data_descp,"WEEKLY SOLAR IRRADIANCE"); #endif #ifdef LWFLUX #define RESOLUTION 0.08 #define LAT_DEB 39.99 #define LON_DEB -29.97 strcpy(cal_name," LONGWAVE FLUX"); strcpy(data_descp,"LONGWAVE FLUX"); strcpy(unit_name," Wm^-2"); #endif #ifdef SST_DAY #define RESOLUTION 0.02 #define LAT_DEB 40.02 #define LON_DEB -30.00 strcpy(cal_name," SST CMS DAY"); strcpy(data_descp,"SST CMS DAY"); strcpy(unit_name,"Sea Surface Temp. [deg C] offset by 10"); #endif #ifdef SST_WEEK #define RESOLUTION 0.02 #define LAT_DEB 40.02 #define LON_DEB -30.00 strcpy(cal_name," SST CMS WEEK"); strcpy(data_descp,"SST CMS WEEK"); strcpy(unit_name,"Sea Surface Temp. [deg C] offset by 10"); #endif #ifdef SST_FNTS #define RESOLUTION 0.02 #define LAT_DEB 40.02 #define LON_DEB -30.00 strcpy(cal_name," SST CMS FNTS"); strcpy(data_descp,"SST CMS FNTS"); strcpy(unit_name,"Front Intensity [deg C/5 km]"); #endif #ifndef RESOLUTION /* ! INVALID Makefile PROJECT declaration. */ #endif fprintf(OUT,"\n"); fprintf(OUT," *****************************************************************************\n"); fprintf(OUT," \n"); fprintf(OUT," PROJECT_LEVEL/DATA_SET_LEVEL READ SOFTWARE \n"); fprintf(OUT," explicit listing of %s",data_descp); fprintf(OUT," raster image data by geolocation\n"); fprintf(OUT," \n"); fprintf(OUT," *****************************************************************************\n"); /* turkey */ inew =0; irows =0; count =0; tmp = (char *)malloc( bytes ); for ( mxl = 0 ; mxl < fis->de.mxl ; mxl++) /* -->rows */ { fprintf(OUT,"\n"); fprintf(OUT," These data values are extracted from:\n"); fprintf(OUT," file: %s\n",file_name ); fprintf(OUT," channel number: %d\n",channel ); fprintf(OUT," bytes per pixel: %d\n\n",bytes ); irows++; fprintf(OUT,"\n"); fprintf(OUT,"Now do the processing for row %d\n", irows); lat = (LAT_DEB - ((irows - 1) * RESOLUTION)); fprintf(OUT," Latitude : %5.2f\n", lat); fprintf(OUT,"\n"); fprintf(OUT,"pixel \n"); fprintf(OUT,"count%-30s Longitude in the data for row %d\n",cal_name,irows); fprintf(OUT," %-30s \n",unit_name); fprintf(OUT,"------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for ( mxp = 0 ; mxp < fis->de.mxp ; mxp++) /* -->pixels */ { count++; lon = (LON_DEB + ((count - 1) * RESOLUTION)); memcpy( (char *)tmp, (char *)lcptr, bytes); switch (bytes) { case 1: fprintf(OUT,"%3d %6d %5.2f \n", count, lcptr[mxp], lon); /* fprintf(OUT, " 1: %d #%x #", */ /* (unsigned char ) * tmp, (unsigned char ) * tmp); */ /* printf("mxp %d lcptr %d \n",mxp,lcptr[mxp]); */ break; case 2: if(mxchan == 1) { if (mxl == fis->de.mxl-1) { if (mxp >= fis->de.mxp- fixcount) { *tmp=-9999; } } } fprintf(OUT,"%3d %6d %5.2f \n", count, (int )*tmp, lon); /* lcptr += bytes; /* increment buffer pointer */ break; } } /*End of the pixel loop */ lcptr += fis->de.mxp; count=0; } /*End of row loop */ fprintf(OUT,"\n"); fprintf(OUT,"*************************************************************\n"); fprintf(OUT,"The program has completed processing for file : %s\n",file_name); fprintf(OUT,"A total of %d",irows); fprintf(OUT," rows were processed.\n"); fprintf(OUT,"*************************************************************\n"); free( tmp ); return; } /* for ( i = 0 ; i < bytes ; i++) */ /* fprintf(OUT, "%x", *(lcptr + i)); */ /* fprintf(OUT, " %7.2f\n", lon ); */ /* lcptr += bytes; increment buffer pointer */ /* fprintf(OUT,"%3d %3d %5.2f \n", count, *(lcptr + i), lon); */ /* pixel count: 1 address: 40006c18 2: 14 #e #efd 2.00 */ /* pixel count: 2 address: 40006c1a 2: 14 #e #efd 2.00 */ /* pixel count: 3 address: 40006c1c 2: 14 #e #ef8 2.00 */ /* fprintf(OUT, " pixel count: %d ", pixel_count ); */ void fis_dump_Rpt( OUT, basename, fis, file_size, err ) FILE *OUT; char *basename; /* base file name */ Fis *fis; long file_size; int err; { De *de; de = &fis->de; fprintf(OUT,"%s ",basename); fprintf(OUT,"%d ",file_size); /* Structure Fis contents: */ fprintf(OUT," %d",de->mxp); /* max pixels */ fprintf(OUT," %d",de->mxl); /* max lines */ fprintf(OUT," %d",de->mxc); /* max channels */ fprintf(OUT," %d",de->djc); /* creation date (julian) */ fprintf(OUT," %d",de->djm); /* date (julian) */ fprintf(OUT," %d",de->mis); /* mission number */ fprintf(OUT," %d",de->oss); /* orbit number */ fprintf(OUT," %f",de->ijr); /* instant date (julian) */ fprintf(OUT," %s",de->csc); /* scanning orientation */ fprintf(OUT," %f",de->anw); /* NW latitude */ fprintf(OUT," %f",de->onw); /* NW longitude */ fprintf(OUT," %f",de->ane); /* NE latitude */ fprintf(OUT," %f",de->one); /* NE longitude */ fprintf(OUT," %f",de->ase); /* SE latitude */ fprintf(OUT," %f",de->ose); /* SE longitude */ fprintf(OUT," %f",de->asw); /* SW latitude */ fprintf(OUT," %f",de->osw); /* SW longitude */ /* de->npp=%d numero du premier point\n",de->npp); */ /* de->npl=%d numero de la premiere ligne\n",de->npl); */ /* de->ndp=%d numero du denier point\n",de->ndp); */ /* de->ndl=%d numero de la deniere ligne\n",de->ndl); */ fprintf(OUT," %f",de->ijd); /* start date/time (julian) */ fprintf(OUT," %f",de->ijf); /* end date/time (julian) */ fprintf(OUT," %d",de->nlm); /* # missing lines */ fprintf(OUT," %d",de->nor); /* # bytes/record (=max pixels) */ fprintf(OUT," %d",de->nri); /* # of data records image ? */ fprintf(OUT," %d",de->nmi); /* # of missions of data images ? */ fprintf(OUT," %d",de->nbr); /* total # records this file */ fprintf(OUT," %d\n",err); /* file read error */ } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* *-->fis_dump_Ttl function to dump a title mast to the OUT file *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void fis_dump_Ttl(OUT, fis, title ) FILE *OUT; Fis *fis; char *title; { int len; char *txtbuf; static time_t calptr; time(&calptr); /* fetch current date /time */ /* center title - calc spaces */ len =(78-strlen(title))/2 ; txtbuf=(char *) malloc( len ); memset(txtbuf,' ',len); txtbuf[len]='\0'; fprintf(OUT,"\n\n"); fprintf(OUT," *****************************************************************************\n"); fprintf(OUT," * *\n"); fprintf(OUT," * Langley DAAC *\n"); fprintf(OUT," * *\n"); fprintf(OUT," * PROJECT_LEVEL/DATA_SET_LEVEL READ SOFTWARE *\n"); fprintf(OUT," *%s%s\n",txtbuf,title); fprintf(OUT," * *\n"); fprintf(OUT," * VERSION NUMBER: $Revision: 1.7 $ \n"); fprintf(OUT," * Language: C *\n"); fprintf(OUT," * Platforms supported: SUN *\n"); fprintf(OUT," * HP *\n"); fprintf(OUT," * SGI *\n"); fprintf(OUT," * Dec Alpha *\n"); fprintf(OUT," * Contact: Langley DAAC user and Data Services Office *\n"); fprintf(OUT," * Mail Stop 157D *\n"); fprintf(OUT," * Hampton, VA 23681-0001 *\n"); fprintf(OUT," * PHONE: (757)864-8656 FAX: (757)864-8807 *\n"); fprintf(OUT," * *\n"); fprintf(OUT," *****************************************************************************\n"); fprintf(OUT,"\n date: %s \n\n",ctime(&calptr) ); free( txtbuf ); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_atf.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void fp0_atf(fis,atf) Fis *fis; Atf *atf; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN atf->nop=fp0_nop(fis->de.typ); atf->nor=fis->de.nor; atf->blo=fp0_blo(fis->de.org); atf->ord=fp0_ord(fis->de.org); atf->pad=fis->de.pad; atf->nre=NRE(fis->de.nor); atf->nrd=NRD(fis->de.nor); fp0_oso(atf->ord, fis->de.mxp,fis->de.mxl,fis->de.mxc,&atf->mxu,&atf->mxv,&atf->mxw); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_blo.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Blo fp0_blo(org) char *org; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN if (fp0_cus(org,"p/lc")) return (U_VW); if (fp0_cus(org,"p/cl")) return (U_VW); if (fp0_cus(org,"l/pc")) return (U_VW); if (fp0_cus(org,"l/cp")) return (U_VW); if (fp0_cus(org,"c/pl")) return (U_VW); if (fp0_cus(org,"c/lp")) return (U_VW); if (fp0_cus(org,"pl/c")) return (UV_W); if (fp0_cus(org,"pc/l")) return (UV_W); if (fp0_cus(org,"lp/c")) return (UV_W); if (fp0_cus(org,"lc/p")) return (UV_W); if (fp0_cus(org,"cp/l")) return (UV_W); if (fp0_cus(org,"cl/p")) return (UV_W); if (fp0_cus(org,"plc/")) return (UVW_); if (fp0_cus(org,"pcl/")) return (UVW_); if (fp0_cus(org,"lpc/")) return (UVW_); if (fp0_cus(org,"lcp/")) return (UVW_); if (fp0_cus(org,"cpl/")) return (UVW_); if (fp0_cus(org,"clp/")) return (UVW_); /* organisation "originales" */ if (fp0_cus(org,"plc")) return (U_VW); if (fp0_cus(org,"pcl")) return (UV_W); if (fp0_cus(org,"lpc")) return (U_VW); if (fp0_cus(org,"lcp")) return (UV_W); if (fp0_cus(org,"cpl")) return (UV_W); if (fp0_cus(org,"clp")) return (UV_W); /* organisation inconnue */ return (UNBL); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_cdd.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp0_cdd(buf,dd) char buf[FP_NOD+1]; Dd dd[FP_NDA]; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN int da; int c; c=0; FOR(da=0;dafil,40); fp0_cpy(&buf[ 40],de->org,4); fp0_cpy(&buf[ 44],de->typ,4); SPRINTF(&buf[ 48],"%5d",de->mxp,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[ 53],"%5d",de->mxl,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[ 58],"%5d",de->mxc,FP_CDE); fp0_cpy(&buf[ 63],de->auc,20); SPRINTF(&buf[ 83],"%5d",de->djc,FP_CDE); fp0_cpy(&buf[ 88],de->ser,20); fp0_cpy(&buf[108],de->tit,80); fp0_cpy(&buf[188],de->aum,20); SPRINTF(&buf[208],"%5d",de->djm,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[213],"%2d",de->mis,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[215],"%2d",de->nim,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[217],"%2d",de->ins,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[219],"%5d",de->oss,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[224],"%14.8f",de->ijr,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[238],"%7.2f",de->llp,FP_CDE); fp0_cpy(&buf[245],de->csc,4); SPRINTF(&buf[249],"%7.2f",de->anw,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[256],"%7.2f",de->onw,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[263],"%7.2f",de->ane,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[270],"%7.2f",de->one,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[277],"%7.2f",de->ase,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[284],"%7.2f",de->ose,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[291],"%7.2f",de->asw,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[298],"%7.2f",de->osw,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[305],"%5d",de->npp,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[310],"%5d",de->npl,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[315],"%5d",de->ndp,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[320],"%5d",de->ndl,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[325],"%14.8f",de->ijd,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[339],"%14.8f",de->ijf,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[353],"%5d",de->nlm,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[358],"%5d",de->nor,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[363],"%6d",de->nri,FP_CDE); fp0_cpy(&buf[369],de->nve,12); SPRINTF(&buf[381],"%6d",de->nmi,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[387],"%6d",de->nbr,FP_CDE); SPRINTF(&buf[393],"%6d",de->pad,FP_CDE); buf[FP_NOE]=CHAR0; return(FP_FOK); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_cpy.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void fp0_cpy(str1,str2,n) char *str1,*str2; int n; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN char *s,*d; int m; s=str2; d=str1; m=n; while (*s) { *d++=*s++; m--;} while (m-- > 0) *d++=' '; END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_cus.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp0_cus(str1,str2) char *str1,*str2; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN char *fp0_ncs(); char *nc1,*nc2; nc1=fp0_ncs(str1);nc2=fp0_ncs(str2); if(toupper(*nc1) != toupper(*nc2)) return (FALSE); if(*nc1 ==CHAR0) return (TRUE); else return(fp0_cus(nc1+1,nc2+1)); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_ddd.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp0_ddd(buf,dd) char buf[FP_NOD+1]; Dd dd[FP_NDA]; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN int da; int c; c=0; FOR(da=0;dafil,FP_DDE); de->typ[40]=CHAR0; SSCANF(&buf[ 40],"%4c",de->org,FP_DDE); de->org[ 4]=CHAR0; SSCANF(&buf[ 44],"%4c",de->typ,FP_DDE); de->typ[ 4]=CHAR0; SSCANF(&buf[ 48],"%5d",&de->mxp,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[ 53],"%5d",&de->mxl,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[ 58],"%5d",&de->mxc,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[ 63],"%20c",de->auc,FP_DDE); de->auc[20]=CHAR0; SSCANF(&buf[ 83],"%5d",&de->djc,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[ 88],"%20c",de->ser,FP_DDE); de->ser[20]=CHAR0; SSCANF(&buf[108],"%80c",de->tit,FP_DDE); de->tit[80]=CHAR0; SSCANF(&buf[188],"%20c",de->aum,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[208],"%5d",&de->djm,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[213],"%2d",&de->mis,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[215],"%2d",&de->nim,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[217],"%2d",&de->ins,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[219],"%5d",&de->oss,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[224],"%14lf",&de->ijr,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[238],"%7f",&de->llp,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[245],"%4c",de->csc,FP_DDE); de->csc[ 4]=CHAR0; SSCANF(&buf[249],"%7f",&de->anw,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[256],"%7f",&de->onw,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[263],"%7f",&de->ane,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[270],"%7f",&de->one,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[277],"%7f",&de->ase,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[284],"%7f",&de->ose,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[291],"%7f",&de->asw,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[298],"%7f",&de->osw,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[305],"%5d",&de->npp,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[310],"%5d",&de->npl,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[315],"%5d",&de->ndp,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[320],"%5d",&de->ndl,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[325],"%14lf",&de->ijd,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[339],"%14lf",&de->ijf,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[353],"%5d",&de->nlm,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[358],"%5d",&de->nor,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[363],"%6d",&de->nri,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[369],"%12c",de->nve,FP_DDE); de->nve[12]=CHAR0; SSCANF(&buf[381],"%6d",&de->nmi,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[387],"%6d",&de->nbr,FP_DDE); SSCANF(&buf[393],"%6c",apad,FP_DDE); apad[6]=CHAR0; de->pad=atoi(apad); return(FP_FOK); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_gdj.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp0_gdj() /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN int yy,mm,dd; int e2,e4,e5; long e1,e3; time_t clock; struct tm tml; time(&clock); tml=*localtime(&clock); yy=1900 + tml.tm_year; mm=tml.tm_mon + 1; dd=tml.tm_mday; e1=yy; e2=mm-1; IF(mm < 3) e1=e1 - 1; e2=e2 + 12; END_IF e3=365.25 * (e1 + 4712); e4=e1 / 100; e5=e1 / 400; e1=e3 - e4 + e5; e2= ((367 * e2) + 5) / 12; return(dd + e1 + e2 - BASE_DJ); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_ide.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void fp0_ide(de) De *de; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN fp0_cpy(de->auc,FP_AUC,20); fp0_cpy(de->ser,FP_SER,20); fp0_cpy(de->tit,FP_TIT,80); fp0_cpy(de->aum,FP_AUM,20); de->mis=0; de->nim=0; de->ins=0; de->oss=0; de->ijr=0.; de->llp=0.; fp0_cpy(de->csc,FP_CSC,4); de->anw=de->onw=de->ane=de->one=de->ase=de->ose=de->asw=de->osw=0.; de->npp=de->npl=1; de->ndp=de->mxp; de->ndl=de->mxl; de->ijd=de->ijf=0.; de->nlm=0; fp0_cpy(de->nve,FP_NVE,12); de->nmi=0; END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_ncs.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *fp0_ncs(str) char *str; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN return(((isprint(*str) && (*str!=' '))||(*str==CHAR0)) ?str :fp0_ncs(str+1)); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_nop.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp0_nop(typ) char *typ; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN if (fp0_cus("i1",typ)) return(1); if (fp0_cus("i2",typ)) return(2); if (fp0_cus("i3",typ)) return(3); if (fp0_cus("i4",typ)) return(4); return(0); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_nor.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp0_nor(blo,nop,mxu,mxv,mxw) Blo blo; int nop; int mxu,mxv,mxw; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN SWITCH(blo) case U_VW : return(nop * mxu); case UV_W : return(nop * mxu * mxv); case UVW_ : return(nop * mxu * mxv * mxw); case UNBL : return( 0); default : return(-1); END_SWITCH END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_nri.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp0_nri(blo,mxv,mxw) Blo blo; int mxv,mxw; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN SWITCH(blo) case U_VW : return(mxv * mxw); case UV_W : return(mxw); case UVW_ : return( 1); case UNBL : return( 0); default : return(-1); END_SWITCH END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_ofi.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ long fp0_ofi(atf,u,v,w) Atf *atf; int u,v,w; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN int rec; long pix,ofi; SWITCH(atf->blo) case U_VW : rec = atf->nre + atf->nrd + (w-1) * atf->mxv + v; break; case UV_W : rec = atf->nre + atf->nrd + w ; break; case UVW_ : rec = atf->nre + atf->nrd + 1 ; break; case UNBL : return( 0); default : return(-1); END_SWITCH SWITCH(atf->blo) case U_VW : pix = (u - 1); break; case UV_W : pix = (u - 1) + (v - 1) * atf->mxu; break; case UVW_ : pix = (u - 1) + (v - 1) * atf->mxu + (w - 1) * atf->mxv * atf->mxu; break; case UNBL : return( 0); default : return(-1); END_SWITCH ofi=OFR(rec,atf->nor,atf->pad) + atf->nop * pix; return(ofi); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_ord.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Ord fp0_ord(org) char *org; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN if (fp0_cus(org,"plc" )) return (PLC); if (fp0_cus(org,"p/lc")) return (PLC); if (fp0_cus(org,"pl/c")) return (PLC); if (fp0_cus(org,"plc/")) return (PLC); if (fp0_cus(org,"pcl" )) return (PCL); if (fp0_cus(org,"p/cl")) return (PCL); if (fp0_cus(org,"pc/l")) return (PCL); if (fp0_cus(org,"pcl/")) return (PCL); if (fp0_cus(org,"lpc" )) return (LPC); if (fp0_cus(org,"l/pc")) return (LPC); if (fp0_cus(org,"lp/c")) return (LPC); if (fp0_cus(org,"lpc/")) return (LPC); if (fp0_cus(org,"lcp" )) return (LCP); if (fp0_cus(org,"l/cp")) return (LCP); if (fp0_cus(org,"lc/p")) return (LCP); if (fp0_cus(org,"lcp/")) return (LCP); if (fp0_cus(org,"cpl" )) return (CPL); if (fp0_cus(org,"c/pl")) return (CPL); if (fp0_cus(org,"cp/l")) return (CPL); if (fp0_cus(org,"cpl/")) return (CPL); if (fp0_cus(org,"clp" )) return (CLP); if (fp0_cus(org,"c/lp")) return (CLP); if (fp0_cus(org,"cl/p")) return (CLP); if (fp0_cus(org,"clp/")) return (CLP); /* organisation inconnue */ return(UNO); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_oso.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void fp0_oso(ord,p,l,c,u,v,w) Ord ord; int p,l,c; int *u,*v,*w; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN SWITCH(ord) case PLC : *u=p;*v=l;*w=c;break; case PCL : *u=p;*v=c;*w=l;break; case LPC : *u=l;*v=p;*w=c;break; case LCP : *u=l;*v=c;*w=p;break; case CPL : *u=c;*v=p;*w=l;break; case CLP : *u=c;*v=l;*w=p;break; case UNO : *u=*v=*w= 0;break; default : *u=*v=*w=-1;break; END_SWITCH END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_rdd.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp0_rdd(fis,dd) Fis *fis; Dd dd[FP_NDA]; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN char bdd[FP_NOD+1]; int crd; SDD(fis); FREAD(bdd,1,FP_NOD,fis->pf,FP_RDD); DDD(bdd,dd); return(FP_FOK); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_rde.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp0_rde(fis,de) Fis *fis; De *de; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN char bde[FP_NOE+1]; int crd; SDE(fis); FREAD(bde,1,FP_NOE,fis->pf,FP_RDE); DDE(bde,de); return(FP_FOK); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_rdi.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp0_rdi(fis,atf,u,v,w,nob,buf) Fis *fis; Atf *atf; int u,v,w; unsigned char *buf; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN int i,n; /* DEBUG */ unsigned short *ptr; /* DEBUG */ long ofi; ofi=fp0_ofi(atf,u,v,w); FSEEK(fis->pf,ofi,0,FP_SDI); if( (n=fread((char *)buf,1,nob,fis->pf)) == nob ) { return(FP_FOK); }else{ return(n); } /* printf( */ /* "DBG:fp0_rdi: transferred n=%d offset ofi=%d u=%d,v=%d,w=%d,nob=%d\n", */ /* n,ofi,u,v,w,nob); */ /* screen buffer dump: */ /* for ( i=0, ptr=(unsigned short *)buf; i< 30644 ; i++ , ptr++ ) */ /* { */ /* if( i==0 ) { */ /* printf("\n%07o %6d:\t",i,i); */ /* } else { */ /* if( i%8==0 ) printf("\n%07o %6d:\t",i,i); */ /* } */ /* printf("%04x ",*ptr); */ /* } */ /* FREAD((char *)buf,1,nob,fis->pf,FP_RDI); */ /* return(FP_FOK); */ END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_wdd.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp0_wdd(fis,dd) Fis *fis; Dd dd[FP_NDA]; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN char bdd[FP_NOD+1]; int crd; CDD(bdd,dd); SDD(fis); FWRITE(bdd,1,FP_NOD,fis->pf,FP_WDD); return(FP_FOK); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_wde.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp0_wde(fis,de) Fis *fis; De *de; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN char bde[FP_NOE+1]; int crd; CDE(bde,de); SDE(fis); FWRITE(bde,1,FP_NOE,fis->pf,FP_WDE); return(FP_FOK); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp0_wdi.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp0_wdi(fis,atf,u,v,w,nob,buf) Fis *fis; Atf *atf; int u,v,w; unsigned char *buf; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN long ofi; ofi=fp0_ofi(atf,u,v,w); FSEEK(fis->pf,ofi,0,FP_SDI); FWRITE((char *)buf,1,nob,fis->pf,FP_WDI); return(FP_FOK); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp_clo.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp_clo(fis) Fis *fis; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN /* IDENT(fp_clo.c 4/10/91); */ int crd; SWITCH(fis->mod) case RO : fclose(fis->pf); break; case RW : fis->de.djm=fp0_gdj(); WDE(fis,&fis->de); WDD(fis, fis->dd); fclose(fis->pf); break; default : return (FP_MOD); END_SWITCH return(FP_FOK); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp_cre.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp_cre(fil,org,typ,mxp,mxl,mxc) char *fil; char *org; char *typ; int mxp,mxl,mxc; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN /* IDENT(fp_cre.c 4/10/91); */ Fis fis; Atf atf; int crd; int dv,dw; int da; int i; int nob; unsigned char *buf; /* creation os du fichier */ FOPEN(fis.pf,fil,"w",FP_NEW); fp0_cpy(fis.de.fil,fil,40); fp0_cpy(fis.de.org,org,4); fp0_cpy(fis.de.typ,typ,4); fis.de.mxp=mxp; fis.de.mxl=mxl; fis.de.mxc=mxc; fis.de.djc=fp0_gdj(); fis.de.djm=fp0_gdj(); /* initialisation DE */ fp0_ide(&fis.de); if((atf.ord=fp0_ord(org)) == UNO) return(FP_ORG); if((atf.blo=fp0_blo(org)) == UNBL) return(FP_ORG); if((atf.nop=fp0_nop(typ)) == 0 ) return(FP_TYP); fp0_oso(atf.ord,fis.de.mxp,fis.de.mxl,fis.de.mxc,&atf.mxu,&atf.mxv,&atf.mxw); fis.de.nor=fp0_nor(atf.blo,atf.nop,atf.mxu,atf.mxv,atf.mxw); atf.nor=fis.de.nor; fis.de.nri=fp0_nri(atf.blo,atf.mxv,atf.mxw); fis.de.nbr=NRE(fis.de.nor) + NRD(fis.de.nor) + fis.de.nri; fis.de.pad=0; atf.pad=fis.de.pad; /* initialisation dd */ FOR(da=0;damod=RO; /* ouverture os */ FOPEN(fis->pf,fil,"r",FP_OLD); /* lecture DE */ RDE(fis,&fis->de); /* lecture DD */ RDD(fis, fis->dd); return(FP_FOK); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp_opw.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp_opw(fis,fil) Fis *fis; char *fil; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN /* IDENT(fp_opw.c 4/10/91); */ int crd; /* mode */ fis->mod=RW; /* ouverture os */ FOPEN(fis->pf,fil,"r+",FP_OLD); /* lecture DE */ RDE(fis,&fis->de); /* lecture DD */ RDD(fis, fis->dd); return(FP_FOK); END /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)fp_rdi1.c version 4/10/91 Gerard LEGENDRE SCEM/CMS B.P.147 F-22302 LANNION CEDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fp_rdi1(fis,buf) Fis *fis; unsigned char *buf; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN /* IDENT(fp_rdi1.c 4/10/91); */ Atf atf; /* attribut FIS */ int nob,ob; int crd; int lpcnt; /* determination des attributs du FIS */ fp0_atf(fis,&atf); /* pas de padding */ IF(atf.pad == 0 ) nob=atf.nop * atf.mxu * atf.mxv * atf.mxw; RDI(fis,&atf,1,1,1,nob,&buf[0]); /* padding */ ELSE int dw,dv; ob=0; SWITCH(atf.blo) case U_VW : nob=atf.nop * atf.mxu; FOR(dw=0; dw b )|| (n<1)) return(FP_DIM)\n"); /* printf("DBG:fp_rdi2: x\tn\ta\tb\n"); */ /* printf("DBG:fp_rdi2: CTRL(ouf,nuf,1,atf.mxu) %d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n"); */ CTRL(ouf,nuf,1,atf.mxu); /* printf("DBG:fp_rdi2: CTRL(ovf,nvf,1,atf.mxv) %d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n"); */ CTRL(ovf,nvf,1,atf.mxv); /* printf("DBG:fp_rdi2: CTRL(owf,nwf,1,atf.mxw) %d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n"); */ CTRL(owf,nwf,1,atf.mxw); /* nombre d'octets a lire */ nof=atf.nop * nuf; ob=0; FOR(dw=0;dwmod != RW) return(FP_WRO); /* determination des attributs du FIS */ fp0_atf(fis,&atf); /* pas de padding */ IF(atf.pad == 0 ) nob=atf.nop * atf.mxu * atf.mxv * atf.mxw; WDI(fis,&atf,1,1,1,nob,&buf[0]); ELSE /* padding */ int dw,dv; ob=0; SWITCH(atf.blo) case U_VW : nob=atf.nop * atf.mxu; FOR(dw=0; dwmod != RW) return (FP_WRO); /* determination des attributs du FIS */ fp0_atf(fis,&atf); /* reorganisation selon l'ordonnancement du FIS */ fp0_oso(atf.ord,p,l,c,&ouf,&ovf,&owf); fp0_oso(atf.ord,npf,nlf,ncf,&nuf,&nvf,&nwf); /* controle */ CTRL(ouf,nuf,1,atf.mxu); CTRL(ovf,nvf,1,atf.mxv); CTRL(owf,nwf,1,atf.mxw); /* nombre d'octets a ecrire */ nof=atf.nop * nuf; ob=0; FOR(dw=0;dwmod != RW) return(FP_WRO); /* determination des attributs du FIS */ fp0_atf(fis,&atf); /* re-ordonnancement selon ordonnancement du FIS */ fp0_oso(atf.ord,p,l,c,&ouf,&ovf,&owf); fp0_oso(atf.ord,npf,nlf,ncf,&nuf,&nvf,&nwf); fp0_oso(atf.ord,npb,nlb,ncb,&nub,&nvb,&nwb); /* controle */ CTRL(ouf,nuf,1,atf.mxu); CTRL(ovf,nvf,1,atf.mxv); CTRL(owf,nwf,1,atf.mxw); /* calcul des coefficients d'echantillonage */ CCS(0,ouf,nub,nuf,au,bu); CCS(0,ovf,nvb,nvf,av,bv); CCS(0,owf,nwb,nwf,aw,bw); /* nombre d'octets a ecrire */ nof=atf.nop * nuf; /* allocation dynamique */ MALLOC(ubu,unsigned char *,nof); MALLOC(dob,int *,2 * nuf); /* calcul des adresses u */ FOR(duf=0;duf