FIRE Cirrus 1 Surface Radiation Budget (SRB) Switzerland Data Set Read Software Readme File 1.0 Introduction This data set is in the FIRE Standard Data Format (SDF). This readme file contains information about how to use the FIRE SDF sample read software. This readme file includes the following five sections: Section 2.0 - describes all sample C programs (source files). Section 3.0 - discusses how to create the executables from the C program(s). Section 4.0 - demonstrates how to invoke the run-time executable(s). Section 5.0 - provides general information on the data set. Section 6.0 - provides more detailed implementation notes. If you have questions while using any Langley DAAC sample read software, please contact the Langley DAAC Science, User and Data Support (SUDS) office. The SUDS may be reached by e-mail:, by telephone at (757)864-8656, or by FAX at (757)864-8807. The SUDS mailing address is: Langley DAAC Science, User and Data Support Office NASA Langley Research Center Mail Stop 157D Hampton, VA 23681-0001 2.0 Read Software Files All sample read programs are developed in the C-language. These C programs have been tested on the `Sun4 (OS 4.1.3)' and `HP' UNIX-based workstations. All library functions in the C source codes are tested for ANSI C conformance. A `Makefile' is included for the convenience of creating the executable files from the C source files. Five read software files are used to generate the FIRE SDF executable. These files and their purposes are listed as follows: Makefile.fci1 - contains a set of commands to build the run-time executables. fci1srb_read.c - reads the modified SDF formatted data. fire_lib.c - a collection of library routines that are used by the other C source files. fire_sdf.h - defines constants and data structures used in the read routines for the FIRE SDF formatted data sets. fsdf_header.c - parses the FIRE SDF header file and extracts the field definitions of each actual or implicit variable in the data description record for both ancillary and observation segments. fsdf_vtoc.c - reads a record of FIRE SDF Volume Table Of Contents (VTOC). 3.0 Creating C Executable Files To build the sample read program from the C source files apply the `make' command to the make file (which defines the C source files listed in Section 2.0.) The symbol `%' in this section stands for the UNIX command line prompt. 3.1 Create with `make' command To build all of the FIRE SDF executable files, rename the makefile to be either `Makefile' or `makefile'. At the command line prompt, type % make all If the make file has a different name, e.g., Makefile.fci1, type % make -f Makefile.fci1 all Three executable files (fsdf, fci1_srb, and fci1_aircraft) are created which will read any of the FIRE Cirrus 1 data sets in SDF. The executable file 'fci1_srb' is the only one needed for the FIRE_CI1_SRB_SWITZ data set. If you want to build only one executable, at the command line prompt, type % make executable_name where the executable_name can be either fsdf, fci1_srb, or fci1_aircraft. Makefile.fci1 assumes the library file, 'fire_lib.c', and the header file, 'fire_sdf.h', are in the same directory as the other C files. If any of these C files are not in the same directory, the definitions in the makefile will need to be changed to point to the right directory. 4.0 Invoking Read Software This section illustrates the invocation of the executable file. Section 4.1 describes how to run the FIRE SDF SRB read programs. 4.1 Running FIRE SDF Read Programs At this time, the executable file for SDF data sets reads one data file at each invocation. The SDF read program requires three files to execute this program properly. In order to process each data file accurately, the header filename needs to be specified as the first argument (i.e., datasetname.hdr), the second argument is the VTOC filename (i.e., datasetname.toc), the third argument is the data filename (i.e., datasetname.filenumber), the fourth argument is the ancillary data file (datasetname.001 or datasetname.002). There are two ancillary data files for this data set. Only one is used when invoking the software. For example, type: % fci1_srb ci1_srb_ch.hdr ci1_srb_ch.toc ci1_srb_ch_861016_31.090 ci1_srb_ch_861016_31.001 or % fci1_srb ci1_srb_ch.hdr ci1_srb_ch.toc ci1_srb_ch_861016_31.090 ci1_srb_ch_861016_31.002 The executable 'fci1_srb' will read the binary data files found in each data granule and create an output file called datasetname.filenumber.OBS, i.e., ci1_srb_ch_861016_31.090.OBS. 5.0 Data Sets Information A description of the data files, the variables in the data files, and the contacts for data production are given in the header files that accompany the data set. 5.1 FIRE SDF SRB Data Sets These data sets were written in a modified FIRE Standard Data Format (SDF). For a complete description of the FIRE SDF, please refer to the "Standard Data Format for FIRE" written by NASA's Climate Data System (NCDS). A header file, a volume table of contents (VTOC) file, an ASCII representation of the first data file and one or two ancillary data files are included with each FIRE SDF SRB data file. For the SRB data sets, the data description record section of the header file was modified to include a record prefix subsection. 5.1.1 SRB Switzerland Data Files FILE NAMING CONVENTION: ci1_srb_ch.hdr Header file, in CHARACTER format (ASCII). Physical record length is 6400 bytes. Logical record length is 80 bytes. ci1_srb_ch.toc Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) in ASCII. Physical record length is 6400 bytes. Logical record length is 160 bytes. Brief description of files, beginning with the ancillary data file(s), the fourth (and fifth) physical file(s). ci1_srb_ch_861001_16.txt Test Data in ASCII. There are 2 test data files each ci1_srb_ch_861016_31.txt for a different time period. Physical record length is 6400 bytes. Logical record length is 80 bytes. Each logical record is an expanded "pixel packet", consisting of RSIZ bytes of the original file per "Test Data" logical record. Note that this file represents the complete contents of the first "observation data" file, NOT of the first "data" file (the ancillary file). ci1_srb_ch_861001_16.001 There are 4 ancillary files for this data set. Ancillary ci1_srb_ch_861001_16.002 File (Lat/Lon grid) in scaled INTEGER*2 format. Record prefix ci1_srb_ch_861016_31.001 length is RPFX bytes. Logical record length is RSIZ bytes. ci1_srb_ch_861016_31.002 There are NREC logical records, or "pixels", per physical record. Physical record length is thus (RPFX + NREC*RSIZ) bytes. Within each logical record ("pixel") of the DATA area, bytes 1 and 2 contain a LATITUDE in I*2 format, bytes 3 and 4 contain a LONGITUDE in I*2 format; currently, bytes 5 through RSIZ of each logical record are unused, and are reserved for possible future use. The LAT/LON quantities are to be used as a lookup table to convert any (pixel, scanline) coordinate pair in each of the data files into a pair of LAT/LON coordinates. First physical record is header record, in ASCII. ci1_srb_ch_860930 Granule name. Organizational strucuture of data from DAAC. This data set contains 32 granules. ci1_srb_ch_861001_1016.003 Files no. X through last - Where "X" = (1 + no. of ancillary files). Observation Data Files in INTEGER*1 format. Record prefix length is RPFX bytes. Logical record length is RSIZ bytes. There are NREC logical records, or "pixels", per physical record. Physical record length is thus (RPFX + NREC*RSIZ) bytes. Contains various flags and physical quantities in coded format, obtained from ISCCP analysis of B3 radiance data. First physical record is header record, in ASCII. NOTES ON DATA: Each physical record is composed of a "record prefix area" and "record data area". The record prefix area contains the following information: FNUM (I*4) - Data file number on tape. RNUM (I*4) - Data record sequence number within the file. CKSM (I*4) - Checksum (simply the sum of all byte values within the DATA area that follows PREFIX area). RSIZ (I*4) - The size, in bytes, of each logical record in the DATA area. NREC (I*4) - The number of logical records in the DATA area. RPFX (I*4) - The size, in bytes, of the PREFIX area. VARIABLES: Each of the observation data files contain 24 variables. Each variable has been defined as a one byte unsigned integer. Two variables (Lat/Lon) are stored in each ancillary data file in INTEGER*2 format. In order to scale the data so they are 1-byte, 2-bytes, or 4-bytes positive integers the following equation is used: Q = (R - A) * (2**(b - N)) where R is the actual (real) data value, b=7 for 1 byte integers, b=15 for 2 byte integers, and b=31 for 4 byte integers and Q is rounded to a positive integer. All records and parameters within each record have been defined including their minimum and maximum values in the header file filename.hdr NOTES ON DATA: Questions about instrumentation and specific data parameters (including their derivation utilization and units) should be directed to Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS). There are small discrepancies pertaining to the SRB data set. Some of the values from data files and ancillary files were out of range when compared against the ranges provided by the VTOC, and the maximum and minimum values from the Header files. The data producers response to these discrepancies was "What is in VTOC is the definition of the region, what is in the Ancillary files is a subset of scan lines falling in that region. A given scan line may have some pixels with lat/lon outside the region." INSTRUMENTATION: This information is provided within the header file for this data set. CONTACTS FOR DATA PRODUCTION INFORMATION: Dr. William B. Rossow NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies 2880 Broadway New York, NY 10025 USA Phone: (212) 678-5567 Phone: (212) 678-5552 FAX E-mail: 6.0 IMPLEMENTATION NOTES 6.1 FIRE SDF SRB program This read program is capable of reading a modified SDF file that is available at the Langley DAAC. Because of the modifications made in this read program to handle the SDF data files, this program could not read any other SDF files not from the Langley DAAC. APPENDIX 1.0 Output from running `make all' on HP workstation HP% make -f Makefile.fci1 all cc -O -Aa -I. -c fire_lib.c rm -f ./lib_fire.a ar rlv ./lib_fire.a `lorder fire_lib.o | tsort` a - fire_lib.o ar: creating ./lib_fire.a ranlib ./lib_fire.a ranlib: ar already did it for you, see ar(1). rm -f fci1_aircraft cc -O -Aa -I. -o fci1_aircraft genpro.c ./lib_fire.a cc -O -Aa -I. -c firesdf_read.c cc -O -Aa -I. -c fsdf_header.c cc -O -Aa -I. -c fsdf_vtoc.c rm -f fsdf cc -O -Aa -I. -o fsdf firesdf_read.o fsdf_header.o fsdf_vtoc.o ./lib_fire.a -lm rm -f fci1_srb cc -O -Aa -I. -DSRB -o fci1_srb fci1srb_read.c fsdf_header.c fsdf_vtoc.c ./lib_fire.a - lm fci1srb_read.c: fsdf_header.c: fsdf_vtoc.c: 2.0 Output from running `make all' on Sun workstation SUNOS% make -f Makefile.fci1 all acc -O -I. -sun4 -c fire_lib.c rm -f lib_fire.a ar rlv lib_fire.a `lorder fire_lib.o | tsort` a - fire_lib.o ar: creating lib_fire.a ranlib lib_fire.a rm -f fci1_aircraft acc -O -I. -sun4 -o fci1_aircraft genpro.c ./lib_fire.a acc -O -I. -sun4 -c firesdf_read.c acc -O -I. -sun4 -c fsdf_header.c acc -O -I. -sun4 -c fsdf_vtoc.c rm -f fsdf acc -O -I. -sun4 -o fsdf firesdf_read.o fsdf_header.o fsdf_vtoc.o ./lib_fire.a /usr/lib/ libm.a rm -f fci1_srb acc -O -I. -sun4 -DSRB -o fci1_srb fci1srb_read.c fsdf_header.c fsdf_vtoc.c ./lib_fire.a /usr/lib/libm.a fci1srb_read.c: fsdf_header.c: fsdf_vtoc.c: Linking: