FIRE Cirrus IFO Phase II CSU Rawindsonde Data Parsons KG&E Power Plant Parsons, Kansas Information on instrumentation and the data can be found in the corresponding CSU blue book on the Parsons site. Sondes were launched primarily in support of surface radiation measurements for the period from 13 Nov 1991 (day 317) to 6 Dec 1991 (day 340). The site was at 37 deg 18 min N and 95 deg 07 min W. FILES: There are 45 data files in fire2sonde.tar.Z. They are named yymmdd.hhmms where yy is the year, mm is the month, dd is the day, hh is the hour, and mm is the minute of the launch time. FORMAT: (3I3,F6.2,6F10.3) VARIABLES: 10 variables (in order) julian day (UTC) hour (UTC) minute (UTC) second (UTC) geopotential height (km) pressure (mb) temperature (K) relative humidity (%) azimuth angle (deg) elevation angle (deg) FLAGS: Data with values of -9999 is considered bad. WARNING: Because of problems tracking the sonde, the angles of the tracking antenna should be used with caution. They are provided to allow a calculation of an appoximate location of the sonde. REFERENCE: Cox, S., G. Beck, C. Cornwall, J. Davis, P. Hein, C. Lappen, R. Song, J. Withrow, and D. Wood, 1992: "CSU FIRE II Cirrus Field Experiment: Description of Field Deployment Phase." Atmospheric Science Report #506, 79pp.