FIRE Cirrus IFO Phase II CSU Station 1 Parsons KG&E Power Plant Parsons, Kansas Information on instrumentation and the data can be found in the corresponding CSU blue book on the Parsons site. Instantaneous values of the parameters were collected every 2 minutes for the period from 11 Nov 1991 (day 315) to 8 Dec 1991 (day 342). The site was at 37 deg 18 min N and 95 deg 07 min W. FILES: Named station1.nnn, where nnn is the julian day (UTC) FORMAT: Free format with data separated by white spaces. VARIABLES: 19 variables with units and estimated precision (in units) time (fraction of julian day, UTC) 0.0001157 wind speed (m/s) 0.5 wind direction (degrees) 5.0 temperature (C) 0.2 relative humidity (%) 5.0 solar total irradiance (W/m2) 5.0 near infrared irradiance (W/m2) 5.0 infrared irradiance (W/m2) 5.0 dome temperature (K) 0.2 sink temperature (K) 0.2 direct solar - yellow filter (W/m2) [0 sec] 5.0 direct solar - red filter (W/m2) [30 sec] 5.0 direct solar - dark red filter (W/m2) [60 sec] 5.0 direct solar - no filter (W/m2) [90 sec] 5.0 direct solar - no filter (W/m2) [0 sec] 5.0 direct solar - no filter (W/m2) [30 sec] 5.0 direct solar - no filter (W/m2) [60 sec] 5.0 direct solar - no filter (W/m2) [90 sec] 5.0 hour-minute (hhmm UTC) 0.16667 FLAGS: Missing data marked with -9999. INSTRUMENTATION: Campbell data logger -- time, hour-minute R.M. Young Wind Sensor -- wind speed and direction Campbell Model 207 Probe -- temperature and relative humidity Eppley Pyranometer -- solar total and near infrared irradiance (.28-2.8 microns) Eppley Pyrgeometer -- infrared irradiance (4-50 microns)), and dome and sink temperatures Eppley Pyrheliometer -- direct solar irradiance (no filter -- .28-2.8 microns; yellow filter -- .53-2.8 microns; red filter -- .695-2.8 microns; dark red filter -- 1.0-2.8 microns)