Data Set Description ******************** Data Set Name: FIRE II MICROPHYSICAL DATA FOR THE NCAR KING AIR Data Set Producer: NAME: DR. ANDREW J. HEYMSFIELD ADDRESS: NATIONAL CENTER FOR ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH P. O. BOX 3000 BOULDER, CO 80307-3000 TELEPHONE: (303) 497-8943 FAX: (303) 497-8181 INTERNET ADDRESS: HEYMS1@NCAR.UCAR.EDU List all geophysical parameters along with the corresponding units, fill values, and minimum and maximum values. (e.g., albedo, unitless, -999, 0, 1) TIME INTERVAL, HHMMSS (GMT), -999, 000000, 235959 STATIC PRESSURE, mb, -999, 0, 999 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, deg. C, -999, -80, 100 PRESSURE ALTITUDE, m, -999, 0, 99999 VERTICAL VELOCITY REQUIRED TO KEEP, cm/s, -999, -10, 100 THE RELATIVE HUMIDITY CONSTANT MEDIAN PARTICLE MASS WEIGHTED DIAMETER, cm, -999, 0, 99999 MAXIMUM PARITCLE DIAMETER, cm, -999, 0, 99999 DIFFERENTIAL GROWTH RATE IN CHANNEL 1, g/s, -999, 0, 99999 DIFFERENTIAL GROWTH RATE IN CHANNEL 2, g/s, -999, 0, 99999 DIFFERENTIAL GROWTH RATE IN CHANNEL 3, g/s, -999, 0, 99999 DIFFERENTIAL GROWTH RATE IN CHANNEL 4, g/s, -999, 0, 99999 TOTAL DIFFERENTIAL GROWTH RATE, g/s, -999, 0, 99999 DEPLETION TIME (8 micron droplets), sec, -999, 0, 99999 DEPLETION TIME (12 micron droplets), sec, -999, 0, 99999 IWC IN CHANNEL 1, g/m^3, -999, 0, 99999 IWC IN CHANNEL 2, g/m^3, -999, 0, 99999 CRYOGENIC DEW POINT TEMPERATURE, deg. C, -999, -80, 100 CRYOGENIC RELATIVE HUMIDITY, %, -999, 0, 99999 ICE WATER CONTENT, g/m^3, -999, 0, 99999 ICE WATER CONTENT BASED ON SNOW HABIT, g/m^3, -999, 0, 99999 ICE WATER CONTENT BASED ON SMALL SNOW HABIT, g/m^3, -999, 0, 99999 ICE WATER CONTENT BASED ON LARGE SNOW HABIT, g/m^3, -999, 0, 99999 PRECIPITATION RATE, mm/hr, -999, 0, 99999 RADAR REFLECTIVITY FACTOR, decibels, -99999, -1000, 99999 MEAN REFLECTIVITY WEIGHTED WITH THE, -99999, -1000, 99999 TERMINAL VELOCITY TOTAL PARTICLE CONCENTRATION, #/L, -999, 0, 999999 PARTICLE CONCENTRATION LE 200 microns, #/L, -999, 0, 999999 PARTICLE CONCENTRATION 200-500 microns, #/L, -999, 0, 999999 PARTICLE CONCENTRATION 500-800 microns, #/L, -999, 0, 999999 PARTICLE CONCENTRATION GT 800 microns, #/L, -999, 0, 999999 COLLECTION EFFICIENCY (8 micron droplets), none, -999, 0, 99999 COLLECTION EFFICIENCY (12 micron droplets), none, -999, 0, 99999 IWC IN CHANNEL 3, g/m^3, -999, 0, 99999 IWC IN CHANNEL 4, g/m^3, -999, 0, 99999 NUMBER OF CRYSTAL-CRYSTAL COLLISIONS, Hz, -999, 0, 99999 WATER VAPOR DENSITY, g/cm^3, -999, 0, 99999 SUPERSATURATION WITH RESPECT TO ICE, %, -999, 0, 99999 SUPERSATURATION WITH RESPECT TO WATER, %, -999, 0, 99999 COEFFICIENTS USED TO FIT THE EQUATION N=N0*EXP(-LAMBDA*D) LAMBDA, #/cm^3, -999, 0, 99999 NZERO, #/L/mm, -999, 0, 99999 COEFFICIENT OF THE FIT, NONE, -999, 0, 1 List all data sources, their respective sensor/instruments, and the parameter(s) measured by each (e.g., ground sites, rawinsonde, temperature). ALL MICROPHYSICAL DATA DERIVED FROM 2D PROBE AND GENPRO STATE PARAMETERS OBTAINED FROM FILES ON THIS ARCHIVE. Provide a definition and/or brief description of all geophysical parameters, sensor/instruments and source/platforms. The microphysical parameters in the data set were derived from 2D probe data collected by the NCAR aircraft during FIRE II. The 2D-C data are converted to size spectra according to the guidelines given in Heymsfield and Baumgardner (1985, Bull. Amer. Meteoro. Soc.), where one element is added to the size of a particle along the the flight direction to account for the probe's intrinsic start-up time. Size is determined as the maximum dimension ($D_{max}$) along the flight direction or optical array axis. The nominal size resolution for the Sabreliner 2D probe is 50 microns/per shadowed optical array element, for the King Air is 25 microns/bin. Sample area (SA) is derived using the depth of field estimates reported by Knollenberg (1970). Particles are binned into 32 size categories, nonuniformly spaced with higher resolution in the smaller classes. Particles within each size bin are subdivided into 10 ``area ratio (AR)'' bins, where AR represents the ratio of particle area to the area of discs of diameter $D_{max}$. The microphysical parameters in the data set were derived from 2D probe data collected by the NCAR Sabreliner during FIRE II. The derivation of the microphysical parameters is outlined in the later reference to Heymsfield (1977). The vertical velocity is the "steady-state" velocity in cm s-1 to keep the relative humidity at it's currently measured value. Differential growth rate represents the growth rate of the particle population of different sizes at the current relative humidity. The Total differential growth rate is the sum of the growth rate in all channels. The assumptions used for the IWC calculations are reported in Heymsfield; also, generic size to mass equations are used. Precipitation rate is calculated from particle size and terminal velocity data, integrated over the size spectrum. Concentration data are as derived above. Number of crystal-crystal collisions are derived from the data reported by Hindman and the crystal terminal velocities. Water vapor density and supersaturation information in this data set should not be used--it is unreliable. Curve fits to the data using least squares methods are provided. Processing Level: Level 0_____ Level 1A____ Level 1B____ Level 2__X__ Level 3_____ Level 4_____ (0=Raw radiance data, 1A=Data unprocessed to sensor units, 1B=Data processed to sensor units, 2=Derived geophysical parameters, 3=Geolocated geophysical parameters, 4=Data from multiple measurements) Spatial Coverage (Range): Minimum Latitude: N/A Maximum Latitude: N/A Minimum Longitude: N/A Maximum Longitude: N/A Describe any gaps that may exist in the spatial coverage. N/A Spatial Resolution (): Averages over 5 sec of aircraft time or approximately 1 km. Temporal Coverage: Start Date (mm/dd/yy): 11/09/91 Stop Date (mm/dd/yy): 12/06/91 Describe any gaps that may exist in the temporal coverage. 11/26/91, 10:46:26-12:37:26, FLIGHT RF06: NO 2DC OR 2DP DATA 12/05/91, 20:23:14-23:25:19, FLIGHT RF13: NO 2DP DATA 12/06/91, 13:59:07-17:02:55, FLIGHT RF14: NO 2DP DATA Temporal Resolution: What is the smallest unit of data collected (e.g., 1 second, daily, monthly, etc.)? 5 SECONDS Were the data collected during the day, night or both? BOTH Data Set Point of Contact: NAME: DR. ANDREW J. HEYMSFIELD ADDRESS: NATIONAL CENTER FOR ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH P. O. BOX 3000 BOULDER, CO 80307-3000 TELEPHONE: (303) 497-8943 FAX: (303) 497-8181 EMAIL: HEYMS1@NCAR.UCAR.EDU Data Set Processing History *************************** When was this data set processed (mm/dd/yy)? 05/11/95, 1/20/97 Is this data set still being generated? YES; UNDER EVALUATION USING DATA FROM THE SUCCESS FIELD PROGRAM. If so, at what rate (e.g., 1 file/day)? N/A Does this data set require further processing by the Langley DAAC? NO If so, does the software exist to do this processing? In what computer language is the software written? On which computer systems has this software been developed? On what systems has this software run successfully? Provide the point of contact for this software. Name: Address: Telephone: Fax: Internet Address: What is the version number of this data set? VERSION 1.0 Describe the computer system(s) on which this data set was processed. Software: FORTRAN 77 Hardware: SUN SPARC 20 Operating System: SUNOS 4.1.3 Media Used: Hard Drive Describe verification/validation procedures used with this data set. Are there currently any plans to reprocess this data set? YES If so, when will the data set be reprocessed? SPRING 1997 Why will the data set be reprocessed? Recent SUCCESS measurements will help establish the validity of the processing techniques and a better idea of how to convert particle size to diameter. Is this data set in HDF (EOS Standard Data Format) or ASCII? ASCII If not, are you willing to convert the data set to HDF prior to delivery to the Langley DAAC? If you are not willing to convert the data to HDF, why not? If you are willing to convert the data to HDF, will you need guidance from the Langley DAAC? Do you need HDF documentation? Describe the organization of the data set. THE DATA IS ORGANIZED ON A SINGLE FLIGHT BASIS, FOR BOTH THE KING AIR AND THE SABRELINER. RELEVANT PORTIONS OF THE HEADER FROM THE RAW BINARY FILES ARE INCLUDED. EACH DATA FILE CONTAINS PROCESSED CONCENTRATION DATA BASED ON HABIT TYPE AND AREA RATIO. If data are not in HDF or ASCII, please describe the header, table of contents, ancillary, data and trailer files in the following sections. Total number of files (including headers, ancillary files, etc.): Header files: Quantity: Format: Length of each (in bytes): Total number of physical records: Total number of logical records: Number of variables in each record: Number of leading/trailing blanks between records: Table of content files: Quantity: Format: Length of each (in bytes): Total number of physical records: Total number of logical records: Number of variables in each record: Number of leading/trailing blanks between records: Ancillary files: Quantity: Format: Length (in bytes): Total number of physical records: Total number of logical records: Number of variables in each record: Number of leading/trailing blanks between records: Data files: Quantity: Format: Length of each file (in bytes): Total number of physical records: Total number of logical records: Number of variables in each record: Number of leading/trailing blanks between records: Trailer files: Quantity: Format: Length of each file (in bytes): Total number of physical records: Total number of logical records: Number of variables in each record: Number of leading/trailing blanks between records: If possible, please submit a sample data file with this request. Data Processing Point of Contact: NAME: DR. ANDREW J. HEYMSFIELD ADDRESS: NATIONAL CENTER FOR ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH P. O. BOX 3000 BOULDER, CO 80307-3000 TELEPHONE: (303) 497-8943 FAX: (303) 497-8181 EMAIL: HEYMS1@NCAR.UCAR.EDU Browse Products *************** Describe any browse products that will be included with this data set. NO BROWSE PRODUCTS PROVIDED. Format (e.g., GIF, TIFF, HDF, etc.) Number of browse images: Size of each image (in bytes): Uncompressed: Compressed: If compressed, what compression scheme was used? What is the resolution of each image (e.g. 640x480)? Software used to create browse images (e.g., IDL, NCAR Graphics, PV-WAVE, Spyglass, etc.): Browse Product Point of Contact: Name: Address: Telephone Number: Fax: Internet Address: If no browse products currently exist, do you have plans to produce any in the future? NO Data Delivery ************* What is the projected date for data set delivery? 2/97 How will the data be delivered to the Langley DAAC? REMOTE FTP Media: Type (e.g., 4mm, 8mm, 3480, 6250, floppies, etc.): Quantity (e.g., 1, 4, 50, etc.): Have the data been compressed? If so, what compression scheme was used? Have you used the UNIX TAR command to write the data to tape? Total Volume: FTP: NOTE: The Langley DAAC prefers to pull the data from your ftp site; however, arrangements can be made for data producers to push data to our ftp site. Number of files (e.g, 1, 4, 50, etc.): 14 Size of files (in bytes): 1206506 (compressed) Have the data been compressed and/or tarred for delivery? Yes, *.gz extension on each file. Total Volume: Data Delivery Point of Contact: NAME: DR. ANDREW J. HEYMSFIELD ADDRESS: NATIONAL CENTER FOR ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH P. O. BOX 3000 BOULDER, CO 80307-3000 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (303) 497-8943 FAX: (303) 497-8181 EMAIL ADDRESS: HEYMS1@NCAR.UCAR.EDU Read Software ************* The Langley DAAC requires data producers to provide read software for their data sets. ASCII FORMAT Describe all software being delivered with this data set. Type (e.g., data dump, etc.): Language (e.g., Fortran, C, C++, etc.): On which computer system(s) was this software written? On which computer system(s) was this software successfully compiled and run? Is this software portable to other computer systems? Read Software Point of Contact: User Community ************** Describe the current user community of this data set (if any). [For example: number of requests for data, etc.] 3-5 DATA REQUESTS PER YEAR. Method which is currently used to distribute data to users: REMOTE FTP List all ancillary files and documentation currently included with distribution of data set to user. NONE Documentation ************* The Langley DAAC requires documentation to be submitted along with each data set that describes the processing history, format, read software, and data. Please indicate the following information for each document: Title: Type (e.g., data format, software, etc.): Author: Most recent version date: List any other documents that would be useful to a new user of this data set. Documentation Point of Contact: References ********** Please provide a list of publications and journal articles pertaining to this data set or project (if any). Heymsfield, A. J., 1977: Precipitation development in stratiform ice clouds: A microphysical and dynamical study. J. Atmos. Sci., 34, 284--295. Heymsfield, A. J. and J. L. Parrish, 1978: A computational technique for increasing the effective sampling volume of the PMS 2--D particle size spectrometer. J. Appl. Meteor., 17, 1566--1572. Parrish, J. L., and A. J. Heymsfield, 1985: A user guide to a particle growth and trajectory model (Using one--dimensional and three--dimensional wind fields). NCAR Tech Note NCAR/TN--259+1A, 69 pp.