LITE Level 1 Data Format Description Document LITE Level 1 Data Format Note 1: In several cases the name for a data field in the IDL code is different from the common name. Where it is different, the IDL name is indicated at the end of field description and is prefixed with 'IDL STRUCT NAME:' Note 2: Some of the IDL names seem to be misspelled such as 'callibrationstatus355' (two l's). DO NOT "correct" them! WJS 12/1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note 3: Added October 2016. The altitude profile is not included within a LITE data file and must be calculated. The altitude profile contains 3000 elements. The altitudes are separated by 15 m. The first altitude is 40 km. The remaining altitudes are calculated by subtracting 0.015 km per element. For example, the first 4 altitude values are: 40.0, 39.9850, 39.9700, 39.9950. The last 4 altitude values are: -4.9400, -4.9550, -4.9700, -4.9850. The altitude values near a "zero" altitude are: 0.0250, 0.0100, -0.0050, -0.0200. A double precision floating point format was used to calculated the altitude profile values. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note 4: The Description Column contains references to Documents and Appendices that are not stored on the ASDC data site. They are listed here to provide historical documentation. The contents of these documents have been included in the LITE web site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parameter Name Units Minimum Maximum Bytes Description Value Value -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- syncvalue 12345 12345 2 Constant data value to check data extraction accuracy. IDL STRUCT NAME: magicnumber -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- majorversionnumber 0 10 1 Major version number of the LITE level 1 data. It is used to indentify format revisions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- minorversionnumber 0 10 1 Minor version number of the LITE level 1 data. It is used to indentify parameter or data revisions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- datatakeid 32 127 7 Datatake (A to Z) or Snapshot ID (SS001 to SS100). IDL STRUCT NAME: idofdatatake -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- orbitnumber 5 150 1 Orbit number. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- idnumber 1000001 99023743 4 ID number assigned to the laser shot. This value was assigned during post processing and does not correspond to the number of the actual laser shot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gmtday days 253 262 2 Day, Greenwich Mean Time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gmthour hours 0 23 1 Hour, Greenwich Mean Time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gmtmin minutes 0 59 1 Minute, Greenwich Mean Time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gmtsec seconds 0 59 1 Second, Greenwich Mean Time. The number of seconds is gmtsec + 0.01*gmthund. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gmthund 0.01 sec 0 99 1 Hundredth of a second, Greenwich Mean Time. The number of seconds is gmtsec + 0.01*gmthund. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- metday days 0 9 2 Day, Mission Elapsed Time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- methour hours 0 23 1 Hour, Mission Elapsed Time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- metmin minutes 0 59 1 Minute, Mission Elapsed Time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- metsec seconds 0 59 1 Second, Mission Elapsed Time. The number of seconds is metsec + 0.01*methund. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- methund 0.01 sec 0 99 1 Hundredth of a second, Mission Elapsed Time. The number of seconds is metsec + 0.01*methund. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- latitude degrees -59.0 59.0 4 Geodetic latitude of LITE footprint. Refer to the Using PATH Data Document for a descrition of how the latitude was calculated. IDL STRUCT NAME: latfootprint -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- longitude degrees -180.0 180.0 4 Longitude of LITE footprint. Refer to the Using PATH Data Document for a descrition of how the longitude was calculated. IDL STRUCT NAME: lonfootprint -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- shuttlealtitude km 238.0 276.0 4 Shuttle altitude. Normally, the Shuttle altitude is the measured perpendicular distance from the Shuttle to a point on the surface of the reference geoid. The Shuttle altitude in the Level 1 data is the distance as described above plus a small extension so that a right triangle with the LITE vector as the hypotenuse can be formed. The LITE vector is a vector along the LITE laser beam that extends from the center of the Shuttle cargo bay to the surface of the reference geoid. The length is the distance from the Shuttle to the point where the LITE vector intersects the surface of the reference geoid. Refer to the Using PATH Data Document for a description of how the Shuttle altitude was calculated. Refer to the Range Calculation Document for a description of how Shuttle altitude, off-nadir angle, and the LITE altitude grid are used in range calculations. IDL STRUCT NAME: altshuttlefootprint -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- offnadirangle degrees 0.0 53.0 4 Off-nadir angle. This is the angle between the LITE vector and the perpinduclar from the Shuttle to the surface of the reference geoid. Refer to the Using PATH Data Document for a descrition of how the off-nadir angle was calculated. Refer to the Range Calculation Document for a description of how Shuttle altitude, off-nadir angle, and the LITE altitude grid are used in range calculations. IDL STRUCT NAME: angleoffnadir -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- digitizerondelay microsecs 1280.0 1727.0 4 The time delay between the 10 Hz clock pulse and the start of digitizing. The digitizer-on delay begins with the 10 Hz clock pulse, which preceds the laser firing by 200.26 microseconds for laser A and 200.28 microseconds for laser B. Refer to the Level 0 Altitude and Range Calculation Document for a description of how the Shuttle altitude, off-nadir angle, and digitizer-on delay were used to assign an altitude to each LITE backscattered sample. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- datatakemode 0 1 1 Datatake mode flag, 0 = day, 1 = night. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- specialopsmode 0 3 1 Special operation mode flag, 0 = normal, 1 = multiscatter, 2 = gain change, 3 = mode transition. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- profilevalidstatus 0 63 1 Profile [valid/questionable/invalid] flag, 0 = valid, 1 = 355 questionable, 2 = 532 questionable, 4 = 1064 questionable, 8 = 355 invalid, 16 = 532 invalid, 32 = 1064 invalid. Profiles may be questionable due to bad ISDB/AOE data, boresight not aligned, 355 or 532 nm high voltage greater than -1000, 1064 nm high voltage greater than -399, or underflow occurred in baseline subtraction region. Profiles may be invalid due to motor/wheel/filter motion aperture wheel in closed position, high voltage disabled, or the number of saturated counts in a profile are greater than 460. The value of this flag results from an "or" operation. Refer to the Profile Validity Document for instructions to unpack this parameter. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- landwaterflag 0 1 1 Land/Water flag. 0 = land, 1 = water. IDL STRUCT NAME: landfootprintflag -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- surfelevfootprint km -0.09 8.0 4 Surface elevation at footprint location. The National Geophysical Data Center TerrainBase Global DTM Version 1.0 was used. IDL STRUCT NAME: surfaceelevatfootprint -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- metdataalts km -0.5 56.0 72 Altitudes that correspond to the 18 standard pressure levels (1000, 850, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 70, 50, 30, 10, 5, 2, 1, and 0.4 mb). IDL STRUCT NAME: altof18prssures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mettemps kelvin 0.0 319.0 72 NMC Temperatures recorded at the 18 standard pressure levels described above. IDL STRUCT NAME: tempat18plevels -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alttropopause km 6.0 17.0 4 NMC tropopause height. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- temptropopause kelvin 190.0 238.0 4 NMC tropopause temperature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- laserselected 0 1 1 Laser in use flag, 0 = A, 1 = B. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- baalignmentstatus 0 1 1 Boresight aligned flag, 0 = not aligned, 1 = aligned. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- isdbstatus 0 1 1 ISDB validity flag, 0 = invalid, 1 = valid. Invalid means that ISDB values from a previous time were used or values in the ISDB were out of range. The profiles may be valid, but information obtained from the ISDB may be questionable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- badatastatus 0 1 1 Boresight assembly data status flag, 0 = invalid, 1 = valid. If invalid, then the profile validity is questionable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aoedatastatus 0 1 1 Aft-optics data status flag, 0 = invalid, 1 = valid. If invalid, then information stored in the following locations were obtained from a previous AOE status report: motor motion, aperture wheel status, background monitor gain, attenuation setting, filter status, background value, high voltage enabled, high voltage, energy monitor, and PMT gain. IDL STRUCT NAME: aodatastatus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- motorinmotion 0 1 1 Motor [no motion/motion] flag, 0 = no motion, 1 = motion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aperwheelstatus 0 4 1 Aperture wheel status flag, 0 = closed, 1 = large, 2 = annular, 3 = small, 4 = in motion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- backgroundmongain 0 1 1 Background monitor gain setting [day/night] flag, 0 = day, 1 = night. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- surfacemode355 0 2 1 Surface mode configuration flag, 0 = not surface mode, 1 = in transition in or out of surface mode, 2 = in surface mode. See Appendix B for locations where surface mode is set and the high voltage and attenuation settings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dbattenuation355 db 0 49 1 Attenuation setting. See Appendix C for relationship between high voltage, attenuation, and gain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- numbersatabovesurf355 0 3000 2 Number of saturated values above the surface. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- highestsatsample355 km -5.0 40.0 4 Altitude of highest saturated sample. 9999 = no data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- numberunderflows355 0 3000 2 Number of underflow occurrances in profile between -5 to 40.0 km. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- filterstatus355 0 2 1 Filter status [out/in/in motion] flag. 0 = out, 1 = in, 2 = in motion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- calibrationstatus355 0 1 1 Calibration status flag, 0 = estimated, 1 = calculated. IDL STRUCT NAME: callibrationstatus355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- calibrationfactor355 1.0859000e+15 1.8038700e+15 4 Calibration factor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- baselinerippleremvd355 0 1 1 Fixed phase baseline ripple removal flag, 0 = not removed, 1 = removed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oscillationremoved355 0 1 1 Random phase baseline oscillation removal flag, 0 = not removed, 1 = removed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- backgroundvalue355 0 255 1 Background value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- highvoltage355enabled 0 1 1 High voltage [disabled/enabled] flag, 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- highvoltage355 volts -1718.98 -318.19 4 Measured high voltage value. See Appendix C for relationship between high voltage, attenuation, and gain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- energymonitor355 mjoules 0.0 201.0 4 Measured energy value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pmtgain355 0.05 693077.85 4 PMT gain. See Appendix C for relationship between high voltage, attenuation, and gain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- baselinesubmethod355 0 1 1 Baseline method used flag, 0 = slope method, 1 = averaged method. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outofrangsubreg355 0 3 1 Out of range conditions in baseline subtraction region flag, 0 = none, 1 = underflow, 2 = overflow, 3 = underflow and overflow. IDL STRUCT NAME: subregionunderflow355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- anomalousprof355 0 1 1 Anomalous profile flag, 0 = normal, 1 = anomalous. A profile is flagged anomalous if it initially passed all the validity tests, but upon visual inspection appears to be invalid or questionable. IDL STRUCT NAME: transitionproblem355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fillbyte1 0 0 1 Fill byte. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- surfacemode532 0 2 1 Surface mode configuration flag, 0 = not surface mode, 1 = in transition in or out of surface mode, 2 = in surface mode. See Appendix B for locations where surface mode is set and the high voltage and attenuation settings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dbattenuation532 db 0 63 1 Attenuation setting. See Appendix C for relationship between high voltage, attenuation, and gain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- numbersatabovesurf532 0 3000 2 Number of saturated values above the surface. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- highestsatsample532 km -5.0 40.0 4 Altitude of highest saturated sample. 9999 = no data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- numberunderflows532 0 3000 2 Number of underflow occurrances in profile between -5 to 40.0 km. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- filterstatus532 0 2 1 Filter status [out/in/in motion] flag. 0 = out, 1 = in, 2 = in motion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- calibrationstatus532 0 1 1 Calibration status flag, 0 = estimated, 1 = calculated. IDL STRUCT NAME: callibrationstatus532 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- calibrationfactor532 1.8958300e+15 2.7226101e+15 4 Calibration factor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- baselinerippleremvd532 0 1 1 Fixed phase baseline ripple removal flag, 0 = not removed, 1 = removed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oscillationremoved532 0 1 1 Random phase baseline oscillation removal flag, 0 = not removed, 1 = removed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- backgroundvalue532 0 255 1 Background value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- highvoltage532enabled 0 1 1 High voltage [disabled/enabled] flag, 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- highvoltage532 volts -1330.93 -159.2 4 Measured high voltage value. See Appendix C for relationship between high voltage, attenuation, and gain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- energymonitor532 mjoules 0.0 605.0 4 Measured energy value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pmtgain532 0.0 72582.3 4 PMT gain. See Appendix C for relationship between high voltage, attenuation, and gain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- baselinesubmethod532 0 1 1 Baseline method used flag, 0 = slope method, 1 = averaged method. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outofrangsubreg532 0 3 1 Out of range conditions in baseline subtraction region flag, 0 = none, 1 = underflow, 2 = overflow, 3 = underflow and overflow. IDL STRUCT NAME: subregionunderflow532 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- anomalousprof532 0 1 1 Anomalous profile flag, 0 = normal, 1 = anomalous. A profile is flagged anomalous if it initially passed all the validity tests, but upon visual inspection appears to be invalid or questionable. IDL STRUCT NAME: transitionproblem532 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fillbyte2 0 0 1 Fill byte. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- surfacemode064 0 2 1 Surface mode configuration flag, 0 = not surface mode, 1 = in transition in or out of surface mode, 2 = in surface mode. See Appendix B for locations where surface mode is set and the high voltage and attenuation settings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dbattenuation064 db 0 63 1 Attenuation setting. Appendix C for relationship between high voltage, attenuation, and gain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- numbersatabovesurf064 0 3000 2 Number of saturated values above the surface. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- highestsatsample064 km -5.0 40.0 4 Altitude of highest saturated sample. 9999 = no data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- numberunderflows064 0 3000 2 Number of underflow occurrances in profile between -5 to 40.0 km. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- filterstatus064 0 2 1 Filter status [out/in/in motion] flag. 0 = out, 1 = in, 2 = in motion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- calibrationstatus064 2 2 1 Calibration status flag, 2 = not available. IDL STRUCT NAME: callibrationstatus064 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- calibrationfactor064 9999.0 9999.0 4 Calibration factor. UNUSED, always = 9999 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- baselinerippleremvd064 0 1 1 Fixed phase baseline ripple removal flag, 0 = not removed, 1 = removed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oscillationremoved064 0 1 1 Random phase baseline oscillation removal flag, 0 = not removed, 1 = removed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- backgroundvalue064 0 255 1 Background value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- highvoltage064enabled 0 1 1 High voltage [disabled/enabled] flag, 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- highvoltage064 volts -436.4 -371.1 4 Measured high voltage value. See Appendix C for relationship between high voltage, attenuation, and gain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- energymonitor064 mjoules 0.0 511.0 4 Measured energy value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apdgain064 75.0 75.0 4 ADP gain. See Appendix C for relationship between high voltage, attenuation, and gain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- baselinesubmethod064 0 1 1 Baseline method used flag, 0 = slope method, 1 = averaged method. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outofrangsubreg064 0 3 1 Out of range conditions in baseline subtraction region flag, 0 = none, 1 = underflow, 2 = overflow, 3 = underflow and overflow. IDL STRUCT NAME: subregionunderflow064 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- anomalousprof064 0 1 1 Anomalous profile flag, 0 = normal, 1 = anomalous. A profile is flagged anomalous if it initially passed all the validity tests, but upon visual inspection appears to be invalid or questionable. IDL STRUCT NAME: transitionproblem064 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fillbyte3 0 0 1 Fill byte. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- timeedsinthour hours 0 23 1 Hour, EDS Interrupt time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- timeedsintmin minutes 0 59 1 Minute, EDS Interrupt time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- timeedsintsec seconds 0 59 1 Second, EDS Interrupt time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- timeedsinthund 0.01 sec 0 99 1 Hundreth of second, EDS Interrupt time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- level0fileidnumber 1 99 1 Level 0 file id number. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- level0fileidletter a g 1 Level 0 file id letter. ASCII = 97 to 103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reserved 0 0 6 Reserved for user to define. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- highvoltage355cmd volts -1719.555 -1072.2 4 Commanded high voltage value. See Appendix C for relationship between high voltage, attenuation, and gain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- highvoltage532cmd volts -1336.2 -1067.1 4 Commanded high voltage value. See Appendix C for relationship between high voltage, attenuation, and gain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reserved 0 0 4 Reserved for user to define. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b0_355 -0.23 4094.91 4 Baseline subtraction value for 355 channel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b0_532 -0.38 4094.82 4 Baseline subtraction value for 532 channel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b0_064 -0.87 4096.03 4 Baseline subtraction value for 1064 channel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outofrng355abv40 0 3 1 355 channel overflow/underflow above 40 km flag, 0 = none, 1 = underflow, 2 = overflow, 3 = underflow and overflow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outofrng532abv40 0 3 1 532 channel overflow/underflow above 40 km flag, 0 = none, 1 = underflow, 2 = overflow, 3 = underflow and overflow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outofrng064abv40 0 3 1 1064 channel overflow/underflow above 40 km flag, 0 = none, 1 = underflow, 2 = overflow, 3 = underflow and overflow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outofrange355 0 1 375 Packed byte array of underflow/saturated locations for each element in the profile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outofrange532 0 1 375 Packed byte array of underflow/saturated locations for each element in the profile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- outofrange1064 0 1 375 Packed byte array of underflow/saturated locations for each element in the profile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- top355 0 2999 2 Index value of the altitude array corresponding to the highest altitude of the first valid 355 nm profile value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bot355 0 2999 2 Index value of the altitude array corresponding to the lowest altitude of the last valid 355 nm profile value. IDL STRUCT NAME: bottom355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- top532 0 2999 2 Index value of the altitude array corresponding to the highest altitude where the first valid 532 nm profile value begins. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bot532 0 2999 2 Index value of the altitude array corresponding to the lowest altitude of the last valid 532 nm profile value. IDL STRUCT NAME: bottom532 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- top064 0 2999 2 Index value of the altitude array corresponding to the highest altitude of the first valid 1064 nm profile value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bot064 0 2999 2 Index value of the altitude array corresponding to the lowest altitude of the last valid 1064 nm profile value. IDL STRUCT NAME: bottom064 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- profile355 counts -4044.21 4095.15 12000 LITE level 1 profile for 355 nm wavelength. Level 1 profiles are formed by removing the fixed phase baseline ripple, the background, and possibly the random phase baseline oscillation from the Level 0 profiles. Fill values = 9999.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- profile532 counts -2028.02 4095.49 12000 LITE level 1 profile for 532 nm wavelength. Level 1 profiles are formed by removing the fixed phase baseline ripple, the background, and possibly the random phase baseline oscillation from the Level 0 profiles. Fill values = 9999.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- profile1064 counts -4094.58 4095.85 12000 LITE level 1 profile for 1064 nm wavelength. Level 1 profiles are formed by removing the fixed phase baseline ripple, the background, and possibly the random phase baseline oscillation from the Level 0 profiles. Fill values = 9999.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------