TARFOX_UWC131A This data set contains measurements made by instruments flown on the University of Washington C-131A aircraft. There are two types of files in this data set: those whose name includes the letters "amb" for "continuous ambient" and those whose name includes "bag" for "continous baghouse." The file names also indicate the flight date and flight number for that date. A table describing the instruments flown on this aircraft during TARFOX along with the parameters measured can be found at: http://cargsun2.atmos.washington.edu/~debbie/TARFOX/Table1.html The files are ASCII data, with a format following the "Format Specification for Data Exchange" developed by Gaines and Hipskind of NASA Ames. A PostScript version of this document is included with the README files for this data set; the files are named readme_tarfox_uwc131a_gaines_hipskind_1.ps and readme_tarfox_uwc131a_gaines_hipskind_2.ps. The organization of the data file is shown below, using the same variable names used in the Gaines-Hipskind specification (which are explained following the file layout). NLHEAD FFI ONAME ORG SNAME MNAME IVOL NVOL DYEAR DMON DDAY RYEAR RMON RDAY DX XNAME NPV PVSCALE (1..NPV) PVMISS (1..NPV) PVNAME (1) ... PVNAME (NPV) NAUXV AUXVSCALE (1..NAUXV) AUXVMISS (1..NAUXV) AUXVNAME (1) ... AUXVNAME (NAUXV) NSCOML SCOM (1) ... SCOM (NSCOML) NNCOML NCOM (1) ... NCOM (NNCOML) IV (1) AUXV (1,1..NAUXV) PV (1,1..NPV) IV (2) AUXV (2,1..NAUXV) PV (2,1..NPV) ... IV, AUXV and PV are repeated for each (monotonically increasing) value of IV nlhead - number of lines in the file header ffi - file format index, a number that (loosely) describes the particular format used in the data file The ffi for these files is 1010, indicating one independent variable oname - originator of data file org - organization or affiliation of the data file origniator sname - source of the measurements (instrument name, measurement platform, etc. mname - mission which the data is supporting ivol - volume number out of total number of volumes (not used?) see nvol below nvol - total number of volumes required to store the complete data set (not used?) dyear - UT date at which the data in the file begins. For dmon aircraft data, this it the UT date of takeoff. Format dday is YYYY MM DD, all numeric. This code stores the date in three separate variables listed at left. ryear - date of data reduction or revision. Format is YYYY MM DD. rmon This code stores in three variables listed at left. rday dx - interval between values of the independent variable xname - name and/or description of the independent variable npv - number of primary (dependent measured) variables in the data file pvscales- array of scale factors, one for each primary variable, by which that primary variable is mutiplied to obtain data values in the units specified for that variable pvmiss - array of values used to indicate missing or erroneous data, one for each primary variable pvnames - array of names/descriptions, one for each primary variable nauxv - number of auxiliary variables, variables associated with a value of of the independent variable additional related measurements auxvscales - array of scale factors, one for each auxiliary variable, by which that auxiliary variable is multiplied to obtain data values in the units specified for that variable auxvmiss- array of values used to indicate missing or erroneous data, one for each auxiliary variable auxvnames- array of names/descriptions, one for each auxiliary variable nscoml - number of special comment lines (used to note special problems or circumstances concerning the data) scom - array of all special comment lines nncoml - number of normal comment lines ncom - array of all normal comment lines iv - a single independent variable value auxv - array of auxiliary variable values for a given independent variable value pv - array of primary variable values for a given independent variable value Questions about this data may be addressed to the principal investigator, who also requests that he be contacted regarding co-authorship on any papers that make use of this data: Peter Hobbs Department of Atmospheric Sciences Box 351640 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-1640 U.S.A. Telephone: +1 206 543-6027 Fax: +1 206 685-7160 Internet: phobbs@atmos.washington.edu or to: Langley DAAC User Services NASA Langley Research Center MS 157D Hampton, VA 23681-2199 U.S.A. Telephone: +1 757 864-8656 Fax: +1 757 864-8807 Internet: support-asdc@earthdata.nasa.gov Web URL: http://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov