TARFOX_WALLOPS_MET This dataset contains surface meteorological data acquired during the TARFOX experiment at Wallops Island, VA. These data were measured by sensors mounted at the top of building X85 on the island. The sensors were about 20 meters above ground. The files cover varying time periods. The filename includes the month and day of measurement start and end. Each file is an ascii file containing the data in several columns. The columns contain: month, day, time (UT) (hh:mm:ss), wind speed (m/s), wind direction (deg), pressure (mb), temperature (C), and relative humidity (%). Unfortunately, this record of surface data is not continuous so there are some gaps. There are also a couple of files in which the data is garbled or incorrect. In the file met_960711_960712, the recorder appears to have been stopped mid-record at the 07-11 19:26:00 measurement and then restarted. The subsequent measurement apparently starts on the same line as the interrupted measurement. In the last file, met_960730_960731, the dates appears as 01-01 and 01-02 rather than 07-30 and 07-31. The time appears to also have been reset (and may therefore be incorrect), so the measurements in this file are suspect. The file met_960718_960720 contains one pressure value anomaly, a value of 8.0 mb. Questions about this data may be addressed to: Richard Ferrare Mail Stop 401A 21 Langley Boulevard NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23681-2199 U.S.A. Telephone: +1 757 864-2698 Fax +1 757 864-7790 Fax: +1 757 864-7790 E-mail: r.ferrare@larc.nasa.gov or to: Langley DAAC User Services NASA Langley Research Center MS 157D Hampton, VA 23681-2199 U.S.A. Telephone: +1 757 864-8656 Fax: +1 757 864-8807 E-mail: support-asdc@earthdata.nasa.gov Web: http://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov