Aqua satellite anomaly impacting CERES and FLASHFlux Operational Status

Sept. 2, 2020, 8 a.m.

Project: CERES

The data formatter for the solid state recorder on the Aqua satellite began exhibiting anomalous behavior during playback operations. All X-Band science data playback has been corrupted since the anomaly began. Spacecraft housekeeping data continues to be recorded and successfully transmitted to the ground.

The near-real-time (NRT) processing of FLASHFlux TISA is paused and products are not currently available past August 15, 2020.

All Aqua CERES FM3 and FM4 data has been lost beginning at August 16, 2020 at 09:26:40Z until the anomaly is resolved. The instruments are currently in safe mode. An update will be provided when the situation is resolved.