MISR Parameter Definitions

Stereo Height BestWinds: Stereoscopic height determined using the Best Quality Winds only, containing fill when a suitable wind was not available (Feature-referenced).

Stereo Height WithoutWinds: Stereoscopic height calculated without a wind correction (Feature-referenced).

Stereo Height prelimER_BestWinds: Preliminary stereoscopic height derived using the Best Quality Winds only. Contains fill when no suitable wind available (ellipsoid-referenced). Stereoscopically derived heights only - no inputs from Radiometric Camera-by-camera Cloud Mask (RCCM) or Ancillary Geographic Product (AGP).

Stereo Height prelimER_RawWinds: Preliminary stereoscopic height calculated using all available wind vectors (regardless of their quality) and defaulting back to a zero-wind vector otherwise (ellipsoid-referenced). Stereoscopically derived heights only - no inputs from RCCM or AGP.

Stereo Height prelimER_WithoutWinds: Preliminary stereoscopic height derived without correcting for the cloud motion (ellipsoid-referenced). Stereoscopically derived heights only - no inputs from RCCM or AGP.

Cloud Fraction High and Low Confidence: The fractional area of the region that is classified, with high and low confidence, respectively, as consisting of clouds detected using the original terrain-projected RCCM only, for the AN camera.