Tools and Services
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Discovery Access
Discovery Access
Direct Data Download
Provides the ability to access and download all publicly available data collections via https
Discovery Access Reproject Distribution
ASDC Tools
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Discovery Access Transform Reformat Reproject Distribution
Provides search and subset capabilities for CALIPSO Level 1, and select Level 2 Lidar data. Search and subset by date, time, parameter and geolocation - including ESRI-defined regions
Discovery Access Reformat
ASDC CERES Subsetter
Provides search and subset capabilities for CERES Level 2 SSF and FLASHFlux data. Search and subset by date, time, parameter, and geolocation.
Discovery Access Reformat Distribution
Discovery Access Reformat Distribution
CERES Subset/ Visualization Tool
Provides the ability to subset, visually browse, and download CERES Level 3 and select Level 2 data products.
Discovery Access Reformat Reproject Distribution
Direct Data Download
Provides the ability to access and download all publicly available data collections via https
Discovery Access Reproject Distribution
Discovery Access
Discovery Access
MERLIN was designed to provide a streamlined, intuitive data accessibility platform, to enable the comparison of an arbitrary number of fire plumes in various domains so users can generate key visualization graphics of a multitude of fire plume properties and to allow flexible cross-referencing with outside data sets. Read Me:
Access Discovery Reformat Reproject Transform Distribution
MISR Browse Tool
The MISR Browse Tool allows easy access to images from the MISR instrument. The browse images are ellipsoid color images for each camera and are available at two different resolutions. The default resolution is 4.4km. The image is enlarged to a 2.2km resolution by selecting "Full Size" on the controls menu in the upper left corner of the Browse Tool. The MISR red, green and blue bands are used to create the color image, which has been intentionally clipped and gamma-stretched to make cloud, ocean and land features visible.
Discovery Distribution Access Transform
MISR Level 3 Data Browser
Visualization of select parameters available in the MISR Level 3 global data products are provided. The Level 3 products are derived from averaging select Level 1 and Level 2 parameters over daily, monthly, seasonal and annual time periods. Level 3 data contain a range of Level 1 and Level 2 versions.
Discovery Distribution Access Transform
MISR Orbit Tool
Interactive interface for converting dates to MISR Orbit number and Orbit numbers to dates.
MISR Order and Customization Tool
Provides users with ability to select and order MISR data by date, time, and geolocation. Reformatter code provided by JPL and is complied at the ASDC. Features include: Multiple consecutive and non-consecutive path and orbit searches Sorting search results by date, path, orbit, camera, and file version Subsetting by parameter, block, and spatial coordinates Additional latitude and longitude layers, and unpacking and unscaling applicable fields.
Discovery Access Reformat Distribution
MISR Paths/Blocks Intersecting a Lat/Lon Box
Interactive interface for obtaining MISR paths based on latitude and longitude.
Model-Derived Global Aerosol Climatology for MISR Analysis ("Clim-Likely" Data)
Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) monthly, global 1° x 1° "Clim-Likely" aerosol climatology, derived from 'typical-year' aerosol transport model results are available for individual 1° x 1° boxes or as global monthly files. Provides monthly values for the clim-likely dataset based on lat/lon coordinates.
OPeNDAP (new instance with ANGe and ECS data)
Provides platform independent subsetting services for all available ASDC products.
Discovery Access Transform Reformat Distribution Reproject
Prediction Of Worldwide Energy Resources (POWER)
Solar and meteorological data sets from NASA research for support of renewable energy, building energy efficiency and agricultural needs.
Discovery Access Transform Agroclimatology
Sub-Orbital Order Tool (SOOT) Power User Interface
SOOT supports data discovery for users within the sub-orbital community. The tool aims to promote sub-orbital research and analysis within the Earth science disciplines of radiation budget, clouds, aerosols, and tropospheric composition.
Discovery Access Distribution
TOLNet - (Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network) Established in 2012 to provide high spatio-temporal profiles of tropospheric ozone to (1) better understand physical processes driving the ozone budget in various meteorological and environmental conditions and (2) validate the tropospheric ozone measurements of spaceborne missions.
Access Discovery Reformat Distribution
Other Tools
Some file formats for images and documents require separate applications or plugins in order to view them. The links to obtain those applications or plugins are on sites outside the NASA domain. No endorsement of these sites is implied. When users follow a link to an outside web site, they are leaving the NASA domain and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the outside web site(s). NASA is not responsible for the information collection practices of non-NASA sites.
Read software is available for most data products from the project data tables.
Any data not in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) is considered to be Native format; these include binary and ASCII.
Tool | Description | Data Format | Software Language |
HDFView and HDF-EOS plug-in | Tool for browsing and editing NCSA HDF4 and HDF5 files. | Stacked-block, Conventional, HDF-EOS Grid (L3 only) | Various |
view_hdf | A visualization and analysis tool for accessing data stored in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) and HDF-EOS files. Used with CALIPSO, CERES, ERBE, and SAGE III. | N/A | IDL |
HDF Information | Information on the Hierarchical Data Format | N/A | N/A |
HDF-EOS Tools/Information | Website dedicated to information about HDF-EOS and about tools available to view or work with HDF-EOS and other NASA HDF files. | N/A | N/A |
HDF-EOS to GIS Format (HEG) Conversion Tool | Reformat, re-project and perform stitching/mosaicing and subsetting operations on HDF-EOS objects | Stacked-block | Various |
HDF Data Manipulation Software | Applications to open a Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) file | N/A | Various |
HDF SDS Information Tool | A computer and operating system independent utility is provided for generating an ASCII file of SDS information contained within an HDF file. | N/A | IDL |
Tool | Description | Software Language |
Level 2 Viewer | Creates plots of data from MOPITT Level 2 files. | IDL |
Tool | Description | Data Products | Data Format | Software Language |
SAGE II v6.20 Binary File Subset | Software to subset files | Version 6.20 | Binary | IDL |
Tool | Description | Data Products | Data Format | Software Language |
MISR Browse Tool | Easy access to ellipsoid projected true-color images for each camera reduced to 2.2 km resolution | Browse | N/A | N/A |
MISR INteractive eXplorer (MINX) | Interactive application for visualizing Level 1B2 data and for retrieving plume heights and wind velocities from wildfire smoke, volcanic and dust plumes | L1B2, GP_GMP and AGP required; TC_CLASSIFIERS and AS_AEROSOL recommended | Stacked-block | IDL, C |
Unidata software for manipulating or displaying netCDF data | References to software packages for manipulating or displaying netCDF data | L3 | netCDF | Various |
MISR Data Processing | Links to production reports, collections and processing status, and the terra spacecraft record. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
MISR Data Versioning Index | Index of data versions for the MISR products | N/A | N/A | N/A |
IDL Utilities | Routines for extracting data and metadata from Level 1B2, Level 2, and Level 3 products | L1B2, L2, L3 | Stacked-block, HDF-EOS Grid (L3 only) | IDL |
HDF-to-Binary Converter and Radiance/BRF Calculation | HDFDUMP extracts data from a HDF-EOS grid format file (Level 1B2 and Level 2 files) and writes unformatted binary files | L1B2, L2 | Stacked-block | FORTRAN 90 |
hdfscan | Visualize and explore MISR data products | L1B2, L2, L3 | Stacked-block, HDF-EOS Grid (L3 only) | Multiple |
misr_view | Visualizes MISR TOA radiances, aerosol, surface, and cloud data products | L1B2, L2 | Stacked-block | IDL, IDLVM |
Conversion to ASCII | Routines to write parameters from MISR Level 1B2 or AGP data files to a set of ASCII formatted files | L1B2, AGP | Stacked-block | IDL, IDLVM |
MISR Lat/Lon to Path/Block Conversion | Interactive interface for obtaining MISR paths based on latitude and longitude | L1, L2 | N/A | N/A |
MISR Orbit/Date Conversion | Interactive interface for converting dates to MISR Orbit number and Orbit numbers to dates | N/A | N/A | N/A |
ENVI SOM Instructions | Instructions for setting Space Oblique Mercator map information in ENVI version 4.0 | L1B2, L2 | Conventional | ENVI |
HDFView and HDF-EOS plug-in | Tool for browsing and editing NCSA HDF4 and HDF5 files | L1B2, L2, L3 | Stacked-block, Conventional, HDF-EOS Grid (L3 only) | Various |
MISR Toolkit | Simplified programming interface for Level 1B2, Level 2, and Ancillary products | L1B2, L2, Ancillary | Stacked-block, Conventional | Various |
MISR ENVI Tool | Geolocates and visualizes MISR TOA radiance, Terrain and Ellipsoid projected products and the Level 2 Land BRF parameter | L1B2, L2 (BRF only) | Stacked-block | ENVI |
AirMISR Coregistration Tool | Used to determine the location of the L2AS Land Surface Product footprint within the L1B2 Georectified Radiance Product data area. | L1B2/L2AS | N/A | IDL |
misr_time | Calculates the block center times for MISR Level 1B2 files | L1B2 | Stacked-block | IDL, IDLVM |
HDF Data Manipulation Software | Applications to open a Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) file | N/A | N/A | Various |
HDF-EOS to GIS Format (HEG) Conversion Tool | Reformat, re-project and perform stitching/mosaicing and subsetting operations on HDF-EOS objects | L1B2, L2 | Stacked-block | Various |