The Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) was successfully launched into sun-synchronous polar orbit aboard Terra, NASA's first Earth Observing System (EOS) spacecraft, on December 18, 1999. MISR measurements are designed to improve our understanding of the Earth's environment and climate. Viewing the sunlit Earth simultaneously at nine widely-spaced angles, MISR provides radiometrically and geometrically calibrated images in four spectral bands at each of the angles. Spatial sampling of 275 and 1100 meters is provided on a global basis. The MISR FAQ and Observation Concept have more details about the MISR instrument. All MISR data products are available in NetCDF-4 or HDF-EOS format.
MISR L1 and L2 Product Generation Resumes with New Data Product Format
The change in Terra orbit altitude in October 2022 required a major update to the generation of MISR L1 and L2 products because the spacecraft orbit tracks are no longer tied to a fixed set of 233 WRS-2 paths. L1 and L2 products from October 14, 2002 (orbit 121388) and later will be processed with the updates. Current orbits beginning with 126974 are now publicly available, and past orbits will become available as fill-in processing proceeds.
The MISR L1 and L2 data products are now distributed in NetCDF-4 format.
See MISR L1 and L2 Product Generation Resumes article for more detailed information.
TOOLS - Useful for orbits processed before October 14, 2022
Updates to these tools for orbits processed from October 14, 2022 onward will be released when available.
MISR L2 Browse Tool
Interactive interface for easy access to images from the MISR instrument.
MISR L3 Web Data Browser
Visualization of select parameters available in the MISR Level 3 global data products are provided.
MISR Orbit Tool
Interactive interface for converting dates to MISR Orbit number and Orbit numbers to dates.
MISR Path/Blocks Intersecting a Lat/Lon Box
Interactive interface for obtaining MISR paths based on latitude and longitude.
MERLIN Tool MISR Enhanced Research and Lookup INterface - MERLIN; a streamlined, intuitive data accessibility platform for MISR Plume Height Project data. MERLIN Readme
MISR Toolkit The MISR Toolkit is a simplified programming interface to access MISR L1B2, L2, and MISR-HR, conventional and ancillary data products. It is an interface built upon HDF-EOS that knows about MISR data products.
Disciplines: Aerosols Clouds Radiation Budget
Collection | Disciplines | Spatial | Temporal |
MISR monthly, global 1 x 1 deg grid 'Clim-Likely' aerosol climatology, derived from 'typical-year' aerosol transport model results available in 1999. (MISR_AEROSOL_CLIM) |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-01-01 - 2000-12-31 |
Collection | Disciplines | Spatial | Temporal |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Component Global Aerosol Product covering a day V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2001-05-29 - 2017-11-01 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Global Aerosol product in netCDF format covering a day V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Component Global Albedo product covering a day V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1 degree Latitude Resolution: 1 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 500 km - < 1000 km or approximately 5 degrees - < 10 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Global Albedo product in netCDF format covering a day V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1 degree Latitude Resolution: 1 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 500 km - < 1000 km or approximately 5 degrees - < 10 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Component Global Cloud Product covering a day V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Global Cloud public Product in netCDF covering a day V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 3 Global Cloud public Product in netCDF format covering a day V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-25 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Component Global Land Product covering a day V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - 2017-11-01 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Global Land product in netCDF format covering a day V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Component Global Radiance Product covering a day V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Component Global Aerosol Product covering a month V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - 2017-10-31 Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Month |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Global Aerosol product in netCDF format covering a month V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Month |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Component Global Albedo product covering a month V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1 degree Latitude Resolution: 1 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 100 km - < 250 km or approximately 1 degree - < 2.5 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Monthly |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Global Albedo product in netCDF format covering a month V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1 degree Latitude Resolution: 1 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 100 km - < 250 km or approximately 1 degree - < 2.5 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Monthly |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Component Global Cloud Product covering a month V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Global Cloud public Product in netCDF covering a month V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Monthly |
MISR Level 3 Global Cloud public Product in netCDF format covering a month V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 3 Cloud Motion Vector monthly Product in netCDF format V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-03 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Component Global Land Product covering a month V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-07-01 - 2017-10-31 Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Monthly |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Global Land product in netCDF format covering a month V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-07-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Monthly |
MISR Level 3 FIRSTLOOK Component Global Radiance Product covering a month V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 3 Global Cloud public Product in netCDF format covering a quarter V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present Temporal Resolution: Quarterly (seasonal) |
MISR Level 3 Cloud Motion Vector quarterly Product in netCDF format V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present Temporal Resolution: Quarterly (seasonal) |
MISR Level 3 Global Cloud public Product in netCDF format covering a year V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-12-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Annual Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 3 Cloud Motion Vector yearly Product in netCDF format V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-12-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Annual Temporal Resolution: Yearly |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Aerosol Product covering a day V004 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-25 - 2017-06-01 |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Aerosol product in netCDF format covering a day V004 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-25 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Albedo product covering a day V006 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1 degree Latitude Resolution: 1 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 500 km - < 1000 km or approximately 5 degrees - < 10 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-25 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Albedo product in netCDF format covering a day V006 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1 degree Latitude Resolution: 1 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 500 km - < 1000 km or approximately 5 degrees - < 10 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-25 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 Cloud Fraction by Altitude Product covering a day V001 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree Vertical Resolution Range: 100 meters - < 1 km Vertical Resolution: 500 m |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Cloud Product covering a day V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-25 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 Cloud Top Height-Optical Depth Product covering a day V001 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Land Product covering a day V004 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-25 - 2017-06-01 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Land product in netCDF format covering a day V004 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-25 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Radiance Product covering a day V004 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-25 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Aerosol Product covering a month V004 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-01 - 2017-05-31 |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Aerosol product in netCDF format covering a month V004 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Month |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Albedo product covering a month V006 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1 degree Latitude Resolution: 1 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 100 km - < 250 km or approximately 1 degree - < 2.5 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Monthly |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Albedo product in netCDF format covering a month V006 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1 degree Latitude Resolution: 1 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 100 km - < 250 km or approximately 1 degree - < 2.5 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Monthly |
MISR Level 3 Cloud Fraction by Altitude Product covering a month V001 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree Vertical Resolution Range: 100 meters - < 1 km Vertical Resolution: 500 km |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Monthly |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Cloud Product covering a month V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Monthly |
MISR Level 3 Cloud Top Height-Optical Depth Product covering a month V001 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present |
MISR Level 3 Global Joint Aerosol monthly product V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 500 km - < 1000 km or approximately 5 degrees - < 10 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Monthly |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Land Product covering a month V004 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-01 - 2017-05-31 Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Month |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Land product in netCDF format covering a month V004 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Monthly |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Radiance Product covering a month V005 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Month |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Aerosol Product covering a quarter (seasonal) V004 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - 2017-05-31 Temporal Resolution: Quarter (Seasonal) |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Aerosol seasonal product in netCDF format V004 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present Temporal Resolution: Quarter (Seasonal) |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Albedo product covering a quarter (seasonal) V006 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1 degree Latitude Resolution: 1 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 100 km - < 250 km or approximately 1 degree - < 2.5 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present Temporal Resolution: Quarterly (seasonal) |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Albedo seasonal product in netCDF format V006 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1 degree Latitude Resolution: 1 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 100 km - < 250 km or approximately 1 degree - < 2.5 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present Temporal Resolution: Quarterly (seasonal) |
MISR Level 3 Cloud Fraction by Altitude Product covering a quarter (seasonal) V001 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree Vertical Resolution: 500 m |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present Temporal Resolution: Quarterly (seasonal) |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Cloud Product covering a quarter (seasonal) V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present Temporal Resolution: Quarterly (seasonal) |
MISR Level 3 Cloud Top Height-Optical Depth Product covering a quarter (seasonal) V001 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Land Product covering a quarter (seasonal) V004 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - 2017-05-31 Temporal Resolution: Quarter (Seasonal) |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Land seasonal product in netCDF format V004 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present Temporal Resolution: Quarter (Seasonal) |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Radiance Product covering a quarter (seasonal) V005 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present Temporal Resolution: Quarter (seasonal) |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Aerosol Product covering a year V004 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-12-01 - 2016-11-30 Temporal Resolution Range: Annual Temporal Resolution: Yearly |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Aerosol product in netCDF format covering a year V004 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-12-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Annual Temporal Resolution: yearly |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Albedo product covering a year V006 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1 degree Latitude Resolution: 1 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 100 km - < 250 km or approximately 1 degree - < 2.5 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-12-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Annual Temporal Resolution: Yearly |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Albedo product in netCDF format covering a year V006 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1 degree Latitude Resolution: 1 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 100 km - < 250 km or approximately 1 degree - < 2.5 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-12-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Annual Temporal Resolution: Yearly |
MISR Level 3 Cloud Fraction by Altitude Product covering a year V001 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree Vertical Resolution Range: 100 meters - < 1 km Vertical Resolution: 500 m |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-12-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Annual Temporal Resolution: Yearly |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Cloud Product covering a year V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-12-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Annual Temporal Resolution: Yearly |
MISR Level 3 Cloud Top Height-Optical Depth Product covering a year V001 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 500 km - < 1000 km or approximately 5 degrees - < 10 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-12-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Annual Temporal Resolution: Yearly |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Land Product covering a year V004 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-12-01 - 2016-11-30 Temporal Resolution Range: Annual Temporal Resolution: Year |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Land product in netCDF format covering a year V004 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-12-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Annual Temporal Resolution: Yearly |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Radiance Product covering a year V005 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-12-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Annual Temporal Resolution: Year |
Collection | Disciplines | Spatial | Temporal |
MISR Level 2 Aerosol parameters V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-24 - 2017-06-01 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 Aerosol parameters V003 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present |
MISR Level 2 FIRSTLOOK Aerosol parameters V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2017-11-01 - Present |
MISR Level 2 FIRSTLOOK Surface parameters V002 |
Aerosols, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2017-11-01 - Present |
MISR Level 2 Surface parameters V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-24 - 2017-06-01 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 Surface parameters V003 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 FIRSTLOOK TOA/Cloud Albedo parameters V001 |
Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 35.2 km Latitude Resolution: 35.2 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2001-05-29 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Albedo parameters V002 |
Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 35.2 km Latitude Resolution: 35.2 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-24 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 FIRSTLOOK TOA/Cloud Classifier parameters V001 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2001-05-29 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 FIRSTLOOK TOA/Cloud Classifier parameters V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-06-01 - 2025-12-31 |
MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Classifier parameters V003 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-24 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 FIRSTLOOK TOA/Cloud Stereo parameters V001 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2001-05-29 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Height and Motion parameters V001 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-29 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Height and Motion parameters V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-29 - Present |
MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Stereo parameters V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-24 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR radiometric camera-by-camera Cloud Mask V004 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-24 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR FIRSTLOOK radiometric camera-by-camera Cloud Mask V001 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-12-13 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
Collection | Disciplines | Spatial | Temporal |
MISR Level 1B2 Local Mode Ellipsoid Radiance Data V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 275 m Latitude Resolution: 275 m Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-27 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 1B2 Local Mode Terrain Radiance Data V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 275 m for red band only Latitude Resolution: 275 m for red band only Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-27 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 1B1 Radiance Data V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 275 m for red band only Latitude Resolution: 275 m for red band only Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-12-18 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 1B2 Ellipsoid Data V003 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 275 m - 1.1 km Latitude Resolution: 275 m - 1.1 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-24 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 1B2 Ellipsoid Data V004 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: |
Temporal Coverage: 2022-10-13 - Present |
MISR Level 1B2 Terrain Data V003 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 275 m red band Latitude Resolution: 275 m red band Horizontal Resolution Range: 250 meters - < 500 meters |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-24 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 1B2 Terrain Data V004 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: |
Temporal Coverage: 2022-10-13 - Present |
MISR Level 1B1 Local Mode Radiance Data V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 275 km Latitude Resolution: 275 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 250 km - < 500 km or approximately 2.5 degrees - < 5.0 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-27 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Hourly - < Daily Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Geometric Parameters V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-24 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Geometric Parameters V003 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2022-10-13 - Present |
MISR FIRSTLOOK radiometric camera-by-camera Cloud Mask V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-24 - 2025-12-31 |
MISR Browse data V005 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 2.2 km Latitude Resolution: 2.2 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-24 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
Collection | Disciplines | Spatial | Temporal |
MISR Level 1A Calibration Data V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-03-13 - Present Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR OBC Data V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2003-07-30 - Present Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 1A CCD Science data, all cameras V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2018-05-04 - Present |
Collection | Disciplines | Spatial | Temporal |
MISR Aerosol Climatology Product V001 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-11-22 - Present Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Ancillary Geographic Product V001 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-11-07 - 2005-06-30 Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Ancillary Radiometric Product V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 1999-12-28 - Present |
MISR TASC dataset V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-01-01 - Present Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
Collection | Campaigns | Disciplines | Spatial | Temporal |
MISR L1B2 Terrain Product subset for the ARCTAS region V003 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: 54, N: 71), (W: -157, E: -110) |
Temporal Coverage: 2008-04-02 - 2008-07-24 |
MISR Geometric Parameters subset for the ARCTAS region V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: 54, N: 71), (W: -157, E: -110) |
Temporal Coverage: 2008-04-02 - 2008-07-24 |
MISR Level 1B2 Ellipsoid Product subset for the GoMACCS region V003 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-07-30 - 2006-10-16 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 1B2 Terrain Product subset for the GoMACCS region V003 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 275 m red band Latitude Resolution: 275 m red band Horizontal Resolution Range: 250 meters - < 500 meters |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-07-30 - 2006-10-16 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Geometric Parameters subset for the GoMACCS region V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-07-30 - 2006-10-17 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Geometric Parameters subset for the INTEX-B region V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-03-01 - 2006-04-03 |
MISR L1B2 Ellipsoid Product subset for the RICO region V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-11-01 - 2005-01-31 |
MISR L1B3 Radiometric Camera-by-camera Cloud Mask Product subset for the RICO region V004 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-11-01 - 2005-01-31 |
MISR L1B2 Terrain Product subset for the SAMUM region V003 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-05-12 - 2006-06-15 Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Geometric Parameters subset for the SAMUM region V002 |
Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-05-12 - 2006-06-15 Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 1B2 Ellipsoid Data subset for the UAE region V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 275 m - 1.1 km Latitude Resolution: 275 m - 1.1 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-08-02 - 2005-05-22 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 1B2 Ellipsoid Data subset for the UAE region V003 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 275 m - 1.1 km Latitude Resolution: 275 m - 1.1 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-07-01 - 2006-10-05 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 1B2 Terrain Data subset for the UAE region V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 275 m red band Latitude Resolution: 275 m red band Horizontal Resolution Range: 250 meters - < 500 meters |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-08-02 - 2005-05-22 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 1B2 Terrain Data subset for the UAE region V003 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 275 m red band Latitude Resolution: 275 m red band Horizontal Resolution Range: 250 meters - < 500 meters |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-07-01 - 2007-09-24 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 1B2 Ellipsoid Product subset for the VBBE region V003 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 275 m - 1.1 km Latitude Resolution: 275 m - 1.1 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-08-01 - 2007-09-13 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 1B2 Terrain Product subset for the VBBE region V003 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 275 m red band Latitude Resolution: 275 m red band Horizontal Resolution Range: 250 meters - < 500 meters |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-08-07 - 2007-09-13 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Geometric Parameters subset for the VBBE region V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-08-01 - 2007-09-14 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR L2 FIRSTLOOK Aerosol Product subset for the ARCTAS region V001 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: 54, N: 71), (W: -157, E: -110) |
Temporal Coverage: 2008-04-02 - 2008-07-24 |
MISR L2 FIRSTLOOK Land Surface Product subset for the ARCTAS region V001 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: 54, N: 71), (W: -157, E: -110) |
Temporal Coverage: 2008-04-02 - 2008-07-24 |
MISR L2 FIRSTLOOK TOA/Cloud Stereo Product subset for the ARCTAS region V001 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: 54, N: 71), (W: -157, E: -110) |
Temporal Coverage: 2008-04-02 - 2008-07-24 |
MISR L1B2 Ellipsoid Product subset for the ARCTAS region V003 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: 54, N: 71), (W: -157, E: -110) |
Temporal Coverage: 2008-04-02 - 2008-07-24 |
MISR L2 Aerosol Product subset for the ICARTT region V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-07-31 - 2004-11-02 |
MISR L2 TOA/Cloud Stereo Product subset for the ICARTT region V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-07-31 - 2004-11-02 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR L2 Aerosol Product subset for the C-MARE Region V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-09-21 - 2004-10-23 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR L2 Land Surface Product subset for the C-MARE Region V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-09-21 - 2004-09-30 |
MISR L2 Geometric Parameters subset for the C-MARE Region V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-09-21 - 2004-10-07 |
MISR L2 TOA/Cloud Stereo Product subset for the C-MARE Region V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-09-21 - 2004-10-23 |
MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Aerosol Product subset for the GoMACCS region V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-07-30 - 2006-10-16 |
MISR Level 2 Land Surface Product subset for the GoMACCS region V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-07-30 - 2006-10-16 |
MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Stereo Product subset for the GoMACCS region V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Horizontal Resolution Range: > 1000 km or > 10 degrees |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-07-30 - 2006-10-16 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR L2 Aerosol Product subset for the INTEX-B region V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-02-28 - 2006-04-02 |
MISR L2 Land Surface Product subset for the INTEX-B region V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-02-28 - 2006-04-02 |
MISR L2 TOA/Cloud Stereo Product subset for the INTEX-B region V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-02-28 - 2006-04-02 |
MISR L1B2 Ellipsoid Product subset for the INTEX-B region V003 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-02-28 - 2006-04-02 |
MISR L1B2 Terrain Product subset for the INTEX-B region V003 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-02-28 - 2006-04-02 |
MISR L2 Aerosol Product subset for the RICO region V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-11-01 - 2005-01-31 |
MISR L2 TOA/Cloud Albedo Product subset for the RICO region V002 |
Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-11-01 - 2005-01-31 |
MISR L2 TOA/Cloud Stereo Product subset for the RICO region V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-11-01 - 2005-01-31 |
MISR L2 Aerosol Product subset for the SAMUM region V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-05-12 - 2006-06-14 Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR L2 Surface Product subset for the SAMUM region V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-05-12 - 2006-06-14 Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR L2 TOA/Cloud Stereo Product subset for the SAMUM region V002 |
Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-05-12 - 2006-06-14 Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR L1B2 Ellipsoid Product subset for the SAMUM region V003 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2006-05-12 - 2006-06-15 |
MISR Level 1B2 Local Mode Ellipsoid Radiance Data subset for the UAE region V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 275 m Latitude Resolution: 275 m Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-08-02 - 2004-08-25 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 1B2 Local Mode Terrain Radiance Data subset for the UAE region V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 275 m for red band only Latitude Resolution: 275 m for red band only Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-08-02 - 2004-08-25 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 Aerosol parameters subset for the UAE region V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-07-01 - 2006-09-30 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 Land Surface parameters subset for the UAE region V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-07-01 - 2006-09-30 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR radiometric camera-by-camera Cloud Mask subset for the UAE region V003 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-08-02 - 2004-11-03 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR radiometric camera-by-camera Cloud Mask subset for the UAE region V004 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-07-01 - 2006-10-05 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Albedo parameters subset for the UAE region V002 |
Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 35.2 km Latitude Resolution: 35.2 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-07-01 - 2006-10-05 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Classifier parameters subset for the UAE region V003 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-07-01 - 2006-10-05 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Stereo parameters subset for the UAE region V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-07-01 - 2006-09-30 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Aerosol Product subset for the VBBE region V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-08-01 - 2007-11-30 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 Land Surface Product subset for the VBBE region V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-08-01 - 2007-11-30 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Stereo Product subset for the VBBE region V002 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 1 km - < 10 km or approximately .01 degree - < .09 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2007-07-24 - 2007-11-30 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Aerosol Regional public Product covering a day V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2002-03-29 - 2007-08-30 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Land Regional public Product covering a day V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2002-03-29 - 2007-08-30 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Radiance Regional public Product covering a day V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2001-07-22 - 2007-08-30 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Aerosol Regional public Product covering a month V002 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2002-03-01 - 2007-09-30 Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Month |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Land Regional public Product covering a month V002 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2002-03-01 - 2007-09-30 Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Monthly |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Radiance Regional public Product covering a month V002 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Latitude Resolution: 1.1 km - 17.6 km Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2002-03-01 - 2007-08-31 Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: about 15 orbits/day |
MISR L2 TOA/Cloud Classifier Product subset for the RICO region V003 |
Clouds |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) |
Temporal Coverage: 2000-11-01 - 2005-01-31 |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Aerosol Product covering a day subset for the UAE region V004 |
Aerosols |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 10 km - < 50 km or approximately .09 degree - < .5 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-07-01 - 2004-10-05 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Land Product covering a day subset for the UAE region V004 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-07-06 - 2004-10-12 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Radiance Product covering a day subset for the UAE region V004 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-07-01 - 2004-10-05 Temporal Resolution Range: Daily - < Weekly Temporal Resolution: Daily |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Land Product covering a month subset for the UAE region V004 |
Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-08-01 - 2004-09-01 Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Month |
MISR Level 3 Component Global Radiance Product covering a month subset for the UAE region V005 |
Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation Budget |
Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180) Longitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Latitude Resolution: 0.5 Degree Horizontal Resolution Range: 50 km - < 100 km or approximately .5 degree - < 1 degree |
Temporal Coverage: 2004-07-01 - 2004-08-01 Temporal Resolution Range: Monthly - < Annual Temporal Resolution: Month |
Collection | Disciplines | Spatial | Temporal |
MISR Mission Publications
Zhang, Zhenxi; Zhou, Wen (2024). Influence of Internal Climate System Forcing on the Relationship Between North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones and Saharan Dust.
Jin, Shikuan; Ma, Yingying; Huang, Zhongwei; Huang, Jianping; Gong, Wei; Liu, Boming; Wang, Weiyan; Fan, Ruonan; Li, Hui (2023). A comprehensive reappraisal of long-term aerosol characteristics, trends, and variability in Asia.
Gao, Chloe Yuchao; Naik, Vaishali; Horowitz, Larry W.; Ginoux, Paul; Paulot, Fabien; Dunne, John; Mills, Michael; Aquila, Valentina; Colarco, Peter (2023). Volcanic Drivers of Stratospheric Sulfur in GFDL ESM4.
Rowland, George H.; Robinson, Laura F.; Hendry, Katharine R.; Ng, Hong Chin; McGee, David; McManus, Jerry F. (2022). The Spatial Distribution of Aeolian Dust and Terrigenous Fluxes in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean Since the Last Glacial Maximum.
Limbacher, James A.; Kahn, Ralph A. (2022). Updated MISR over-water research aerosol retrieval algorithm – Part 2: A multi-angle aerosol retrieval algorithm for shallow, turbid, oligotrophic, and eutrophic waters.
Zheng, Bo; Chevallier, Frederic; Ciais, Philippe; Yin, Yi; Wang, Yilong (2022). On the Role of the Flaming to Smoldering Transition in the Seasonal Cycle of African Fire Emissions.
Wei, Linyi; Lu, Zheng; Wang, Yong; Liu, Xiaohong; Wang, Weiyi; Wu, Chenglai; Zhao, Xi; Rahimi, Stefan; Xia, Wenwen; Jiang, Yiquan (2022). Black carbon-climate interactions regulate dust burdens over India revealed during COVID-19.
Verstraete, Michel M.; Hunt, Linda A.; Jovanovic, Veljko M. (2021). Improving the usability of the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) L1B2 Georectified Radiance Product (2000–present) in land surface applications.
Iguchi, Takamichi; Matsui, Toshihisa; Tao, Zhining; Kim, Dongchul; Ichoku, Charles M.; Ellison, Luke; Wang, Jun (2021). NU-WRF Aerosol Transport Simulation over West Africa: Effects of Biomass Burning on Smoke Aerosol Distribution.
Marshak, Alexander; Delgado-Bonal, Alfonso; Knyazikhin, Yuri (2021). Effect of Scattering Angle on Earth Reflectance.
Ocko, Ilissa B.; Ginoux, Paul A. (2021). Comparing multiple model-derived aerosol optical properties to spatially collocated ground-based and satellite measurements.
Aerenson, Travis; Marchand, Roger; Chepfer, Hélène; Medeiros, Brian (2021). When Will MISR Detect Rising High Clouds?.
Jääskeläinen, Emmihenna; Manninen, Terhikki; Tamminen, Johanna; Laine, Marko (2021). The Aerosol Index and Land Cover Class Based Atmospheric Correction Aerosol Optical Depth Time Series 1982–2014 for the SMAC Algorithm.
Seltzer, K. M.; Shindell, D. T.; Faluvegi, G.; Murray, L. T. (2020). Evaluating Modeled Impact Metrics for Human Health, Agriculture Growth, and Near-Term Climate: EVALUATING MODELED IMPACT METRICS.
Mosadegh, Ehsan; Nolin, Anne W. (2020). A New Data Processing System for Generating Sea Ice Surface Roughness Products from the Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) Imagery. Remote Sensing, (4979),
Zhao, Pengguo; Li, Zhanqing; Xiao, Hui; Wu, Fang; Zheng, Youtong; Cribb, Maureen C.; Jin, Xiaoai; Zhou, Yunjun (2020). Distinct aerosol effects on cloud-to-ground lightning in the plateau and basin regions of Sichuan, Southwest China.
Ma, Po-Lun; Rasch, Philip J.; Chepfer, Hélène; Winker, David M.; Ghan, Steven J. (2020). Observational constraint on cloud susceptibility weakened by aerosol retrieval limitations.
Limbacher, James A.; Kahn, Ralph A. (2020). Updated MISR dark water research aerosol retrieval algorithm – Part 1: Coupled 1.1 km ocean surface chlorophyll a retrievals with empirical calibration corrections.
Verstraete, Michel M.; Hunt, Linda A.; De Lemos, Hugo; Di Girolamo, Larry (2020). Replacing missing values in the standard Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) radiometric camera-by-camera cloud mask (RCCM) data product.
Cordero, R. R.; Damiani, A.; Laroze, D.; MacDonell, S.; Jorquera, J.; Sepúlveda, E.; Feron, S.; Llanillo, P.; Labbe, F.; Carrasco, J.; Ferrer, J.; Torres, G. (2019). Effects of soiling on photovoltaic (PV) modules in the Atacama Desert.
Li, Jian; Chen, Shengbo; Qin, Wenhan; Murefu, Mike; Wang, Yufei; Yu, Yan; Zhen, Zhijun (2019). Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Area Coverage and Observation Geometry of the MISR Land-surface BRF Product: A Case Study of the Central Part of Northeast Asia.
Li, Wenzhao; El-Askary, Hesham; Qurban, Mohamed; Proestakis, Emmanouil; Garay, Michael; Kalashnikova, Olga; Amiridis, Vassilis; Gkikas, Antonis; Marinou, Eleni; Piechota, Thomas; Manikandan, K. (2019). An Assessment of Atmospheric and Meteorological Factors Regulating Red Sea Phytoplankton Growth.
Böhm, Christoph; Sourdeval, Odran; Mülmenstädt, Johannes; Quaas, Johannes; Crewell, Susanne (2019). Cloud base height retrieval from multi-angle satellite data.
Rahimi, Stefan; Liu, Xiaohong; Wu, Chenglai; Lau, William K.; Brown, Hunter; Wu, Mingxuan; Qian, Yun (2019). Quantifying snow darkening and atmospheric radiative effects of black carbon and dust on the South Asian monsoon and hydrological cycle: experiments using variable-resolution CESM.
Watanabe, Takeshi; Nohara, Daisuke (2018). Predictability of Characteristics of Temporal Variation in Surface Solar Irradiance Using Cloud Properties Derived from Satellite Observations.
Parajuli, Sagar P.; Stenchikov, Georgiy L.; Ukhov, Alexander; Shevchenko, Illia; Dubovik, Oleg; Lopatin, Anton (2018). Aerosol vertical distribution and interactions with land/sea breezes over the eastern coast of the Red Sea from lidar data and high-resolution WRF-Chem simulations.
Garay, Michael J.; Kalashnikova, Olga V.; Bull, Michael A. (2018). Development and assessment of a higher-spatial-resolution (4.4 km) MISR aerosol optical depth product using AERONET-DRAGON data.
Nelson, David; Garay, Michael; Kahn, Ralph; Dunst, Ben (2018). Stereoscopic Height and Wind Retrievals for Aerosol Plumes with the MISR INteractive eXplorer (MINX). Remote Sensing,
Potter, Stefano; Solvik, Kylen; Erb, Angela; Goetz, Scott J.; Johnstone, Jill F.; Mack, Michelle C.; Randerson, James T.; Román, Miguel O.; Schaaf, Crystal L.; Turetsky, Merritt R.; Veraverbeke, Sander; Walker, Xanthe J.; Wang, Zhuosen; Massey, Richard; Rogers, Brendan M. (2017). Climate change decreases the cooling effect from postfire albedo in boreal North America.
Yin, Xiao-Mei; Dai, Tie; Xin, Jin-Yuan; Gong, Dao-Yi; Yang, Jing; Teruyuki, Nakajima; Shi, Guang-Yu (2016). Estimation of aerosol properties over the Chinese desert region with MODIS AOD assimilation in a global model.
Povey, Adam C.; Grainger, Roy G. (2015). Toward More Representative Gridded Satellite Products.
Lee, Jae N.; Wu, Dong L. (2015). Non‐Gaussian Distributions of TOA SW Flux as Observed by MISR and CERES.
Xian, Peng; Zhang, Jianglong; O'Neill, Norm T.; Toth, Travis D.; Sorenson, Blake; Colarco, Peter R.; Kipling, Zak; Hyer, Edward J.; Campbell, James R.; Reid, Jeffrey S.; Ranjbar, Keyvan (2013). Arctic spring and summertime aerosol optical depth baseline from long-term observations and model reanalyses – Part 1: Climatology and trend.
Pinty B, Taberner M, Haemmerle VR, Paradise SR, Vermote E, Verstraete MM, Gobron N, Widlowski J-L (2011). Global-Scale Comparison of MISR and MODIS Land Surface Albedos. Journal of Climate, 24 (3), 732.
Pisek J, Chen JM, Alikas K, Deng F (2010). Impacts of including forest understory brightness and foliage clumping information from multiangular measurements on leaf area index mapping over North America. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115 (G03023),
Hinkelman LM, Marchand RT, Ackerman TP (2009). Evaluation of Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer cloud motion vectors using NOAA radar wind profiler data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (D21207),
Pisek J, Chen JM (2009). Mapping forest background reflectivity over North America with Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113 (11), 2412.
Garay MJ, de Szoeke SP, Moroney CM (2008). Comparision of marine stratocumulus cloud top heights in southeastern Pacific retrieved from satellites with coincident ship-based observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113 (D18204),
Patadia F, Gupta P, Christopher SA, Reid JS (2008). A Multisensor satellite-based assessment of biomass burning aerosol radiative impact over Amazonia. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113 (D12214),
Chopping M, Moisen GG, Su L, Laliberte A, Rango A, Martonchik JV, Peters DPC (2008). Large area mapping of southwestern forest crown cover, canopy height, and biomass using the NASA Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112 (5), 2051.
Pinty B, Lavergne T, Kaminski T, Aussedat O, Giering R, Gobron N, Taberner M, Verstraete MM, Voßbeck M, Widlowski J-L (2008). Partitioning the solar radiant fluxes in forest canopies in the presence of snow. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113 (D04104),
Patadia F, Gupta P, Christopher SA (2008). First observational estimates of global clear sky shortwave aerosol direct radiative effect over land. Geophysical Research Letters, 35 (L04810),
Cornet C, Davies R (2008). Use of MISR measurements to study the radiative transfer of an isolated convective cloud: Implications for cloud optical thickness retrieval. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113 (D04202),
Mahtab A, Sridhar VN, Navalgund RR (2008). Impact of Surface Anisotropy on Classification Accuracy of Selected Vegetation Classes: An Evaluation Using Multidate Muliangular MISR Data Over Parts of Madhya Pradesh, India. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 46 (1), 250.
Kahn RA, Li W-H, Moroney C, Diner DJ, Martonchik JV, Fishbein E (2007). Aerosol source plume physical characteristics from space-based multiangle imaging. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112 (D11205),
Pinty B, Lavergne T, Voßbeck M, Kaminski T, Aussedat O, Giering R, Gobron N, Taberner M, Verstraete MM, Widlowski J-L (2007). Retrieving surface parameters for climate models from MODIS-MISR albedo products. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112 (D10116),
Fricker HA, Young NW, Coleman R, Bassis JN, Minster J-B (2005). Multi-year monitoring of rift propagation on the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (L02502),
Zhang J, Christopher SA (2003). Longwave radiative forcing of Saharan dust aerosols estimated from MODIS, MISR, and CERES observations on Terra. Geophysical Research Letters, 30 (23), 2188.
Zhang J, Christopher SA (2003). Longwave Radiative Forcing of Dust Aerosols over the Saharan Desert estimated from MODIS, MISR, and CERES observations from Terra. Geophysical Research Letters, 30 (23), 2188.
Bruegge CJ, Chrien NL, Ando RR, Diner DJ, Abdou WA, Helmlinger MC, Pilorz SH, Thome KJ (2002). Early Validation of the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) Radiometric Scale. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40 (7), 1477.
Gobron N, Pinty B, Verstraete MM, Widlowski J-L, Diner DJ (2002). Uniqueness of Multiangular Measurements -- Part II: Joint Retrieval of Vegetation Structure and Photosynthetic Activity From MISR. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40 (7), 1574.
Martonchik JV, Diner DJ, Crean KA, Bull MA (2002). Regional Aerosol Retrieval Results from MISR. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40 (7), 1520.
Bothwell GW, Hansen EG, Vargo RE, Miller KC (2002). The Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer Science Data System, Its Products, Tools, and Performance. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40 (7), 1467.
Muller J-P, Mandanayake A, Moroney C, Davies R, Diner DJ, Paradise S (2002). MISR Stereoscopic Image Matchers: Techniques and Results. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40 (7), 1547.
Stroeve JC, Nolin AW (2002). New Methods to Infer Snow Albedo From the MISR Instrument with Applications to the Greenland Ice Sheet. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40 (7), 1616.
Nolan AW, Fetterer FM, Scambos TA (2002). Surface Roughness Characterizations of Sea Ice and Ice Sheets: Case Studies With MISR Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40 (7), 1605.
Moroney C, Horvath A, Davies R (2002). Use of Stero-Matching to Coregister Multiangle Data from MISR. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40 (7), 1541.
Bindschadler R, Diner DJ, Rignot E (2002). West Antarctic Ice Sheet Releases New Iceberg. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 83 (9), 85.
Buermann W, Dong J, Zeng X, Myneni RB, Dickinson RE (2001). Evaluation of the Utility of Satellite-Based Vegetation Leaf Area Index Data for Climate Simulations. Journal of Climate, 14 (17), 3536.<3536:EOTUOS>2.0.CO;2
Panferov O, Knyazikhin Y, Myneni RB, Szarzynski J, Engwald S, Schnitzler KG, Gravenhorst G (2001). The Role of Canopy Structure in the Spectral Variation of Transmission and Absorption of Solar Radiation in Vegetation Canopies. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 39 (2), 241.
Zhang Y, Tian Y, Knyazikhin Y, Martonchik JV, Diner DJ, Leroy M, Myneni RB (2000). Prototyping of MISR LAI and FPAR Algorithm with POLDER Data over Africa. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 38 (5), 2402.
Diner D, Beckert JC, T.H.Reilly, Bruegge CJ, Conel JE, R.A.Kahn, Martonchik JV, Ackerman TP, Davies R, Gerstl SAW, Gordon HR, Muller J-P, Myneni RB, P.J.Sellers, Pinty B, Verstraete MM (1998). Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument description and experiment overview. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 36 (4), 1072.