NASA Earthdata Webinar: Discover and Access Atmospheric Data from the ASDC
NASA Earthdata Webinar: Discover and Access Atmospheric Data from the ASDC
In this webinar we provide an overview of the ASDC DAAC and its holdings and a "Real World" Workflow, from data selection and ordering through visualization, using data from the TES (Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer) instrument on board Aura. The NASA Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) at NASA's Langley Research Center has approximately 3 Petabytes of atmospheric science data in its archives. This data is available to the user community at no cost. The ASDC provides open access data, tools, and other resources to science communities, educators, and the general public worldwide. In order to simplify the delivery and use of the data, the ASDC provides multiple methods to access and download the data, convert data formats, view the data values and analyze and visualize the data.
Posted on NASA Earthdata YouTube on June 6, 2014.