SAGE III on ISS Version 5.2 Release
Dec. 7, 2021, 3:54 p.m.
The SAGE III/ISS Team is proud to announce the second official release of SAGE III/ISS products (V5.2) that are suitable for use in both validation and research studies for the data products as described in the Data Product User’s Guide DPUG. The nominal monthly release of new SAGE III/ISS events will be processed only with V5.2 algorithm starting with March 2021. Version 5.1 remains publicly available for events from June 2017 through February 2021. This statement applies to SAGE III/ISS Version 5.2 Solar Level 1B, Solar Level 2, and Lunar Level 2 data products. The SAGE III/ISS Team recommends using Version 5.2 instead of Version 5.1 because of the modifications and improvements mentioned below.
Vertical profiles of ozone, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and water vapor (H2O) concentrations, as well as multi-wavelength aerosol extinction coefficient, are included in the solar Level 2 data product files. Three ozone profiles are available in this release of the solar products: an UV based mesospheric product (i.e., “Ozone_Mes” in the product files) and two Chappuis-based products. One Chappuis-based product uses a spectrally-focused fitting retrieval (i.e., “Ozone_MLR”) while the other uses a broad-spectrum retrieval scheme that is similar to that of SAGE II (i.e., “Ozone_AO3”). Composite ozone and retrieved temperature/pressure products are not included in the V5.2 data set. Vertical profiles of ozone, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and nitrogen trioxide (NO3) concentrations are included in the lunar Level 2 product files. Chlorine Dioxide (OClO) from lunar occultation is not included in this release. The channel wavelengths used in solar and lunar retrievals are available in the Data Product User’s Guide (DPUG).
Version 5.2 improvements and bug fixes recovered 311 more solar events (increase of 1.0%) compared to v5.1; 104 more lunar events (increase of 4.3%) compared to v5.1; improvements and the number of water vapor profiles withheld by QA was reduced from 570 (v5.1) to 30 (v5.2).
Reader Software:
Both IDL and Python reader software are available to access the products in the native format and a Python reader is available for the HDF format. The product formats have changed slightly, so the new readers are required for this release. Readers for previous versions of SAGE III data are not compatible with this version. However, the new IDL and Python data readers are backwards compatible with the previous version of the data product, in both formats.
Data Access Methods:
For questions regarding data usage, please ask us on the Earthdata Forum
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