Sub-Orbital Order Tool (SOOT) Power User Interface (PUI) Merge Release Announcement
Jan. 10, 2024, 1:57 p.m.
The Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) at NASA Langley Research Center has released a new merge service as part of the Sub-Orbital Order Tool (SOOT), allowing users to align data to a common time base for easier comparison between files. Currently the merge service is available for ICARTT files on SOOT that are from the same campaign, flight day, launch, and platform. Users can customize their merge options to include or omit specific variables, choose the time base of the merge, and select information to include in the data output (e.g., standard deviation, averages).
The merge service is now available and users are encouraged to provide feedback on the SOOT merge service via the SOOT Merge Feedback Form.
Highlighted features of the SOOT Power User Interface (PUI) and the merge service are outlined and demonstrated in this ArcGIS StoryMap.
More information about the new merge service, including a user guide and detailed documentation of merge functionality, can be found at the following links:
SOOT Merge User Guide
SOOT Merge Functionality Document

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