VIRGAS Release Announcement

Dec. 8, 2021, 12:49 p.m.

Project: VIRGAS

The Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) has released data for the Volcano-plume Investigation Readiness and Gas-phase and Aerosol Sulfur (VIRGAS) field campaign, a mission conducted by NASA in October 2015. VIRGAS had the objective of enabling researchers to assess the impact of these volcanic eruptions. VIRGAS was conducted in one deployment that consisted of six science flights based in Houston, TX. The current available data products are from the NOAA LASER-Induced Fluorescence (LIF SO2) instrument, the NOAA Unmanned Aircraft System O3 Photometer (UASO3), and NASA’s Meteorological Measurement System (MMS). The ASDC houses data including 1 Hz SO2 data from seven flights, 1 Hz O3 data from ten flights, and 1 Hz and 20 Hz data for temperature, pressure, and 3-D winds from 5 flights.

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