AirMSPI_PODEX_Ellipsoid-projected_Georegistered_Radiance_Data_5 Imagery

Indirect processing uses an estimate of static pointing errors (i.e. geometric calibration).

Direct processing uses ground control points within the flight line of interest.

NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130114 - 214105Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130114 - 214214Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130128 - 195038Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130128 - 215454Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130128 - 215652Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130201 - 180618Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130201 - 180816Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130201 - 181013Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130201 - 181211Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130201 - 211711Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130201 - 212129Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130201 - 212327Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130201 - 212519Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130206 - 200151Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130206 - 200349Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130206 - 200548Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130206 - 225002Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130206 - 225100Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130206 - 225154Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130206 - 225247Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130206 - 225340Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130206 - 225434Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130206 - 225527Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130206 - 225621Z

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NorthPacificOcean-32N120W Indirect

20130206 - 225719Z

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The file name structure is as follows:




yyyymmdd: Year-month-day

hhmmss: Hour-minute-second in UTC of the central observation

tttt: Target name

aaa: Mean viewing angle (reported to the nearest tenth of a degree x 10)

Fff: File format version

Vvvv: Version number

For more information, see the Data Product Specifications (DPS)